The catching away ("ZAPture") of the Revelation 12 "man child"

1 year ago

Published Dec 30th , 2023
Streamed Dec 25th, 2023

Unlike the most common passage used by dispensationalists to support the "rapture" of the "church" prior to a "7 year tribulation period," is there actually Biblical support for a remnant of those chosen to be "caught up" to the throne .... and yet remain mortal until Yeshua returns and ALL are resurrected on the last "day" .... with one day being just as 1000years per Revelation 20 and the FIRST resurrection.

In 1 Thessalonians 4:17, the Greek word actually used and applied to those alive at Yeshua's coming is NOT harpazo. Rather, it is the word harpageometha. As with orge/wrath and thlipsis/trbulation, prophecy "experts" have made millions of dollars selling books by conflating, equating and treating different Greek words as if they are synonyms.

In contrast, there are two witnesses in Scripture where a literally catching/snatching away literally happened and ...... BOTH remained .... HUMAN. After sharing the gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch, Phillip was taken from point to .... point B. In addition, Paul (or a man he knew) was also caught/snatched away to third heaven.

If there is a "rapture" of the male child prior to the great tribulation OR simultaneously as it begins, does this group stay in "heaven" OR do they return "on a mission from God?"

Join Tony Robinson and myself as we discuss these passages as well as Isaiah 66 when a "male child" is born BEFORE the labor and birth pains

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