1 year ago

That's the Goal of the Globalists.
More about the Inhuman United Nations:

The Cabal of Bad Intentions For Humanity!
Please share this with as many good people as possible
The ENTIRE history and foundation of this Satanic Group:

The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious "sustainability goals". This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades, tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves, and enslave humanity.
More information:
SECRETS of the United Nations. What everyone should know…
Translated from Dutch:
The storm has broken out all over the world Millions of people around the world discover the truth as the film "SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS" travels around the world in seven languages. A network of retired police officers and detectives fighting child trafficking in Europe have stated that they have received the film in five languages, thanks to their international connections. They said, "This movie is doing a global marathon!" The founder of Doctors for Freedom in Europe sent a message offering his help. It is shared among networks of business leaders and politicians in the Netherlands have promised to see it. And so on.
We have to have the mentality of a warrior. Don't hit the dragon once. Don't hit him twice. Keep hitting the deceitful monster until it falls apart. Here's how: Go to influencer accounts and post the link to the movie as a comment. This way you can reach thousands of people within minutes. Post it in comment under the posts of presidents, ministers, celebrities, media personalities, etc. What if this film was really the spark that sparked a fire of conscience among high-level people, who then go on to play an important role in preventing the UN from becoming a world government?
What if this film was really the spark that sparked a fire of conscience among high-level people, who then go on to play an important role in preventing the UN from becoming a world government? That's what truth can do, and it will happen! Let's keep spreading it, in Telegram groups, Facebook groups, on Truth Social, Gab, Gettr, anywhere you can post content. Let's send it to local security forces, school principals, hospital directors, local newspapers, etc. May we all be part of the greatest transformation of all time. If you haven't seen "SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS" yet, be sure to check it out. Use the links below.
May. 26, 2023 Geopolitical News.
The UN, The United Nations, Pedophilia, Pedophiles, Save The Children, Legalized Pedophilia,
Leaked UN and WHO Pedophile Files Reveal Plan To Force Kids To Have Sexual Partners!
The United Nations, in collaboration with the World Health Organization and Bill Gates-funded Rutgers, has launched the next phase of their war against humanity, sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia.
And Joe Biden, who was caught on camera playing with himself in public this week, has already agreed to accelerate the globalists plan to normalize pedophilia and push children to have sexual relationships and experiment with gender as early as possible.
Perhaps he was thinking about the United Nations new document titled “International Technical Guidance on Sexual Education”.
It is the official guideline for elementary schools around the world.
The agenda to ensure that little children have sexual partners is being further developed by the World Health Organization and they also have a strict timeline to impose on children’s sexual development.
Their document, “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe”, contains instructions for kindergartens and elementary schools
to teach children about the joys of masturbation and encourage them to find sexual partners.
For more information visit:

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