Don't Blame God for Infertility

1 year ago

When my wife fell and hurt her knee, she was offered a Tetanus shot. She didn't break the skin so I became a little suspicious of why the walk in clinic physician was trying to push the shot. I quickly looked it up before the nurse returned and discovered that it was a vaccine. Ah...there are bonuses paid for vaccines so now it makes sense. I also learned there has been much controversy over these injections for more than 3 decades. Our mutual inward intuition caused us both to agree to decline the shot. So based on my research I have come to this conclusion about these types of shots (my opinion). Injections like these are possibly used as a Trojan Horse for sneaking in all kinds of stuff for purposes such as population control and eugenics. I had a Tetanus shot after a serious motorcycle wreck when I was 15 years old. Although I have never been tested for sterility myself, I have never been able to impregnate a woman. I am the last male in my family so the family name ends with me. Can you see why it's so important to do your own research now?

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