Member of EU-Parliament Warns: Ukraine War is Burning Through a Generation of Men

1 year ago

Since the Maidan riots in 2014, there has been a civil war of western Ukraine against Donbass, eastern Ukraine. Around 12,000 deaths were to be mourned by 2022. With the invasion of Russian forces on February 24, 2022, the war spread to western Ukraine and is costing more lives every day. As has been the case in eastern Ukraine since 2014, heavy explosions are now also shaking towns and villages in western Ukraine. Families with their children are fleeing into their basements or are leaving the country to protect themselves from missile strikes and the death lurking everywhere.

The images of the war that one has been seeing since 2014 are shocking and tear the heart; they are people like you and me. An entire generation of men is being burnt through in these merciless battles, the majority of whom were dragged to the front through forced recruitment.

Meanwhile, the West repeatedly suggests support for western Ukraine. However, from the outset, all “aid” is aimed at arming western Ukraine militarily, which inevitably prolongs this war and further increases the number of victims.

Serious peace negotiations and the ceasefire agreements reached in the Minsk agreements were consistently violated by western Ukraine between 2014 and 2022. Since the invasion of Russian forces on February 24, 2022, there have been no new peace negotiations until today. The path of dialogue and consensus building is consequently avoided. In her short speech, MEP Clare Daly denounces the ongoing war rhetoric and debate over the weapons deliveries, which is accompanied by a shameful lack of empathy for human lives. Listen for yourself to what she has to say:

“Thanks President, listening to the cheerleading in here, safe and secure, thousands of miles away from the frontlines, I think it would be a useful exercise for us to remind ourselves about what ordinary Ukrainians are experiencing. The “Economist” reports of forced recruitment across the country. Draftees with no experience or training are being sent to the front, in what a UK minister calls “First World War levels of attrition”. Casualty figures are secret, but we know there are estimates of about a 120,000. Battalion commanders tell the “Washington Post” of recruits fleeing positions en masse. “Political Record” reports a crackdown on deserters. These are human beings and there is a shameful lack of empathy for ordinary people in the war rhetoric in here. The debate is about keeping the weapons flowing to keep the war going. Ukraine is burning through a generation of men: Sons, husbands, brothers, who can never be replaced. This cannot go on indefinitely. And you sickening war generals, who sit in here and wield these men to our debts: You – make – me – sick! We need peace, we need dialog, however unpleasant that may be.”

Dear viewers, one thing is certain:
US and European weapons will not end this war, and warmongers in the political and media ranks clearly have no interest in peace and de-escalation. We must become all the more aware that the same fate can or will affect all of us if this development is not stopped.

Erich Maria Remarque once said:
“I always thought everyone was against war until I found out there are those who are all for it, especially those who do not have to go there.”
Let us therefore stand together and vehemently express our veto against this and any future war. The time of wars is over – we are peace-loving peoples and do not want any more wars!

from ol./ef.
Ukraine is burning through a generation of men’ – MEP Clare Daly – speech from 15 Mar 2023

Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow

Erich Maria Remarque: Becoming a star with “All Quiet on the Western Front”,remarque100.html

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