East-West conflict – a staged event? What the financial world reveals about it

9 months ago

More than a year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the old East-West conflict between NATO and Russia has flared up again in full force – not least because of the West’s massive arms deliveries – and there is a real danger of a third world war. Western governments and media paint a black-and-white picture of this conflict: On the one hand, the good West and, on the other hand, the evil Russia, which must be put in its place with military might. But is this really the case, or are we just being presented with a spectacle on the global political stage? Brandon Smith, an U.S. economic and geopolitical analyst, is convinced that this is the case. Putin and Russia, he says, are merely pieces on a chessboard set up in a grand theater against the West to distract the masses through chaos.

In order to understand such a blatant statement, one must know that on the global stage, the actions of the West are essentially determined by the interests of high finance.Through their enormously high influence, politics and the media have been infiltrated and controlled at will for decades:

1. First of all by, elite associations such as the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations CFR (www.kla.tv/20142)
2. Secondly by international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund IMF (www.kla.tv/15776), the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements BIS (www.kla.tv/13930), as well as
3. Thirdly – more recently, primarily through the World Economic Forum WEF (www.kla.tv/23417)

Now the question arises as to what the situation is with Russia: Is it possibly under the dictates of this powerful global financial economy just like the West? Are there connections, common goals and interests that shed light on this question?

If you pursue these questions, you will discover the fact that the communist system, which had ruled Russia for many decades, is an invention of high finance and was made great by it. Rothschild in particular ensured that Stalin came to power and that the Soviet Union was financed in the early days, especially through the USA. According to Stalin, two thirds of all large industrial enterprises were built with the help of the USA. Also, all the components of an atomic bomb were supplied to the Soviets by the U.S., allowing them to quickly rise to nuclear power. Both the analyst Brandon Smith and the financial expert Ernst Wolff show that this infiltration has not changed:

1. First: The Russian Central Bank is a member of the Bank for International Settlements BIS, which is under the control of the global financial elite, and has long been the center of globalization.
2. Secondly: After the collapse of the Soviet Union, more than $50 billion flowed from the IMF to the Russian elite. Considering that behind the honorable facade of the IMF also a pure interest-instrument of international finance capital is hiding, then one understands that this is how their cooperation with the financial elite was bought. This is why it is hardly surprising that most Russian oligarchs have close ties to the major Western banks and the financial aristocracy – many even directly with the Rothschilds.
3. Third: the re-election of Russia’s first president, Boris Yeltsin, in 1996 was only possible thanks to a massive intervention by the World Economic Forum (WEF), which persuaded the Russian oligarchs to support Yeltsin in the election campaign. Yeltsin was thus a president according to the will of the WEF.
4. Fourth: When Vladimir Putin came to power, he continued to cooperate with the IMF. For example, he called for a new global currency under IMF control. Why would a nationalist president want an institution under the control of the U.S. and especially the financial elite to have even more power?
5. Fifth: Putin also made the major bank Goldman Sachs his chief economic advisor. Goldman Sachs is one of the world’s largest financial institutions and probably one of the most powerful and influential banks in the world. For example, the cabinet of U.S. Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush was virtually flooded with Goldman Sachs employees.
6. Sixth: Since coming to power in 2000, Putin has met regularly with Henry Kissinger and maintained such a close friendship with him, that Kissinger was awarded an honorary doctorate by Russia. Kissinger is an avowed globalist and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. Both are powerful think tanks of the financial elite through which nearly all U.S. presidents have been brought to power.
7. Seventh: Not surprisingly, Putin is also closely associated with the World Economic Forum WEF and supports its globalist projects, such as the fourth industrial revolution.

Because of all these entanglements of Russia with the same global puppeteers as in the West, the black-and-white picture of the East-West conflict presented by politics and the media loses its credibility. According to Brandon Smith, the whole theater serves the purpose of division and distraction, while at the same time a new world order is being erected step by step. But we are not defenseless against these intentions! According to Smith, the elite’s plans in the Syrian war have already been thwarted once by the tireless educational work of the alternative media. This is possible also with the Ukraine war! Therefore, the order of the day is not to be deceived and not to be zealous neither for Putin nor for the West, but to relentlessly bring the backgrounds and true warmongers to the light of day.

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(am Min.46)




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