Zander Bird Gets Himself Cancelled By China Offensive Posts

1 year ago

#cyberbullies #ccp #racism

Zander Bird decided to insult China for not airing MLP G5, and the coronavirus pandemic (which USA started it too, and this is going to get him cancelled by the Communist Chinese government.
Don't mention Taiwan, Shanghai China, surrounding countries, or make jokes or do offensive things in or out of China, otherwise, you can banned from entering the country for life.

It seems that Zander Bird doesn't know USA and the Soviet Union tore Korea apart into two; North Korea with Communist beliefs, and South Korea with Republican beliefs. Russia and USA were land hungry at the time, and ruined a country that was slowly developing before WW2 when Imperial Japan attacked.
We Koreans do not want people like Zander Bird to support us, as he is racist and xenophobic.

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