Disney Doctor Who Being Awful Is the Fault of RACIST Fans!

11 months ago

According to Disney, the BBC, the actors and the showrunners, if you didn't like the overt propaganda with the 60th Anniversary or Christmas Specials for the 14th and 15th Doctors, there is something wrong with you.

The race card has been played and there is deflection a plenty. The same insult tactics that Disney has employed for years is now being used to run cover for Ncuti Gatwa and Russell T. Davies further desecration of the Doctor Who franchise. If you think it's going to get better though, according the Millie Gibson, Gatwa's companion, you are not going to like the direction of the next season. Get ready for a heaping helping of modern day problems!

Doctor Who Ratings: https://guide.doctorwhonews.net/info.php?detail=ratings&type=date
Newsweek: https://www.newsweek.com/doctor-who-black-ncuti-gatwa-christmas-special-racist-backlash-praise-1855436
Bounding Into Comics: https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/12/29/new-doctor-who-companion-actress-millie-gibson-says-upcoming-episodes-will-attract-a-lot-of-gen-z-feature-many-controversial-elements/
Deadline: https://deadline.com/2023/12/bbc-denies-feeding-viewers-diet-of-woke-bias-1235682652/

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#DoctorWho #Disney #RussellTDavies #NcutiGatwa #MillieGibson #Doctor #15thDoctor #BBC #Propaganda #Woke #WokeDisney

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