The Pentagon is Militarizing the Police Forces across the Country (Watch Police STate 4) - 2011

7 months ago

Uploaded on Dec 10, 2011
by- Bigsteelguy3

"Originally uploaded by RTAmerica
Watch Police State 4:
*The police in the United States have been steadily militarized over the past decade to the point of absurdity, as recently exemplified by police.

* "Benjamin Carlson of The Daily" covered one of the more unsettling recent developments in this militarization of police, the Department of Defense's obscure "1033 program" which has given away almost $500 million in leftover military equipment to law enforcement in the fiscal year of 2011.

*This year's total is more than double the amount of equipment handed out in 2010, which was $212 million worth of military gear, setting a new record for the program.

Included in this distribution of military equipment are: armored vehicles, tanks, along with M-16 assault rifles, grenade launchers, helicopters and even military robots.

Yet the 1033 program looks like it is getting even worse, with orders for the fiscal year 2012 being up 400% over the same period in 2011 according to data provided by the Pentagon's Defense Logistics Agency to 'The Daily'.

*If it keeps at this pace, that would mean $2 billion in equipment for American police departments in the fiscal year 2012.

*The "1033 program" was passed by Congress in 1997, which I found quite interesting as most of these programs have been pushed in the wake of September 11th, 2001, under the pretext of fighting the so-called "war on terror."

*However, even then, their justification was that it would be used to fight 'drugs and terrorism' and since it began, over 17,000 law enforcement agencies have accepted $2.6 billion in military equipment, only having to pay for the cost of delivering the gear.

While the gear is practically free, the costs of maintaining the equipment and insuring it fall on the respective law enforcement agencies, meaning it falls directly on the "taxpayer".

*We have seen these tactics and equipment most recently in the many crackdowns on the legal and peaceful Occupy Wall Street demonstrations across the nation, which were a coordinated effort as revealed by Oakland Mayor, Jean Quan.

*The director of the Cato Institute's project on criminal justice, Tim Lynch, addressed my surprised reaction to seeing that this program was enacted long before September 11th, 2001, in a statement to 'The Daily.'

"The trend toward militarization was well under way before 9/11, but it's the federal policy of making surplus military equipment available almost for free that has poured fuel on this fire," Lynch said.

*"The" cites some examples of this insane militarization effort in mentioning that in Cobb County, Georgia. incidentally one of the most educated and wealthy state in all of the United States, now have an amphibious tank.

*Similarly, the sheriff of South Carolina's Richland County is now in possession of what he fondly calls "The Peacemaker," an armored personnel carrier (APC) outfitted with a machine gun.

*The most absurd aspect of the '1033 program' is that it is in addition to the Department of Homeland Security grants which allow police departments to purchase vehicles like the "BearCats" | covered briefly many months ago.

Various models of the "BearCat" weigh in around 16,000 pounds, are bulletproof and outfitted with gun ports, battering rams, tear gas dispensers and radiation detectors, among many other bells and whistles which police never use and never actually needed in the first place.

The Orlando Sentinel reported that more than 500 of these vehicles -- which inarguably bear a remarkable resemblance to military tanks -- have been sold by their Massachusetts-based manufacturer - "Lenco".

*As I have previously pointed out, this is a move toward de facto martial law, which means that martial law would never have to be formally declared since the police could act as military forces instead of actually having to roll out the military.

Of course, S.1867 would erase that need as it would indeed spell the end of the Posse Comitatus Act by allowing the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens without charge or trial.

Furthermore, under 1301 it would allow any American citizen to be transferred to any foreign country or foreign entity, allowing for torture or extrajudicial execution.

- Activist"

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