The Jesuit-USA controls the entire world...

1 year ago

The shadow government running the USA, controls the entire world. Their most powerful weapon is money. All the Arab states bow to the american dollar. Iran has been bribed to follow the latest `war-script`, Russia and Ukraine are pretending they`re fighting a `war` but it`s just war-games to distract the world while the digital currency is being set up. The USA is behind Israel`s genocide of the palestinian people, it was behind the `covid` jab and bribed every nation in the world to enforce lockdowns and caused every nation in the world to use their own people as Lab rats for the jab. The whole covid scam showed us that the entire world is under the dictates of the Jesuit run USA, Russians and Iranians were forced to wear masks and get injected with the bio-weapon. Throughout the centuries, the jesuits were responsible for the deaths of millions of people, they are doing the same today. No leader of any government is telling Israel to stop its genocide, or even sanction israel, except the Houthis and Hezbollah! This shows the power the Jesuit-USA has over every government in the world! This is shocking! They are using the wars, blowing the palestinians to bits, and nobody stops them! The Russia ukraine war is totally staged, Zelensky is a second rate actor, who is the `face` of the brutal `war`. We need to realize that we are being herded like sheep, into swallowing the `official narrative` on these world `events`. The bio-weapon covid jab was used to make people docile , obedient and childlike and the main-stream media is the new `parent` telling people what to believe and what to hate and that their governments are taking all these actions for our `health and security`. All american leaders have been schooled at Jesuit universities and they all speak with forked tongues, going around the world deceiving every world leader, making them bow down to the dollar, or else bribing or finally bombing them. What you see on main-stream-media is pure theatre, just acting for the cameras. Why is the USA doing this? Because the USA is the 2nd beast mentioned in Revelations 13, and its job is to defile and subvert the entire world for its Master.

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