Three Percenters and Civil War

1 year ago

Part One: Will the pronoun-confused, blue-haird tri-sexuals be pushovers in a Civil War? I think not.
The Fact of a post-Constitutional regime ruling over America: where are those who swore the oath to protect from domestic enemies?
The invasion of the United States, aided and abetted byby Biden and his Cabinet, and brought more invaders into this country than the population of seventeen of our states.
Where is the resistance?
Part Two: The AWOL forces in the current civil war.  The Christians and the Pastors are AWOL.
Revelation 3:16.
No rapture -- you are not escaping what is coming -- it's for our own good (and gold).

LTC Steven Murray with Matt Bracken and others, as referred to in this podcast.

Fritz Berggren, PhD

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