Ep 101 N8 Fri 29th Dec 23 Number 8's Pushback and Payback Mission for 2024

8 months ago

Tonight Liz takes us through her plan of lawful 'weapons of law' actions Number 8 Union will be using in 2024 to bring justice and accountability in employment cases, small businesses action against Worksafe, help for the jab injured, personal injury claims and how those can be achieved and much more

Number 8 WUNZ succeeds where other unions have failed so badly over the last 4 years. Same goes with the large percentage of lawyers.

Number 8 has a 'Never Give Up' attitude on behalf of its members

2024 will be an epic year. Failure is not an option

We are funded by our members. Please support us as generously as you can. This enables us to grow and offer even more service to our members and the wider caring New Zealand community.

Please also support Amanda Turner with her Court of Appeal Freedom of Speech case which is of national importance to all of us
And Ants Haines as he takes on Worksafe basically on behalf all businesses that were terribly affected by lockdowns, cvc bs, coercion and threats of fines and the resulting financial and emotional wreckage that followed.

Like I said - failure is not an option!!

1 – 00:00:00 – The main speaker is Liz Lambert, president of the Number 8 Workers’ Union of New Zealand. Emma has been compiling videos from their Zoom meeting discussions on exemptions and exceptions to consolidate information. They may make a few more compilations over the holidays.
- They plan to push back on issues in 6 areas - whistleblowers vs bosses, employment relations authority/courts, small businesses vs WorkSafe, human rights commission for contractors & volunteers, workers vs agencies & Crown, and supporting injured vaccine recipients.
- For whistleblowers, they will argue cases with the Nursing/Midwifery councils using the Employment Relations Act. District courts. Barry could use section s.103 (1)(k) ERA
- They routinely use exemptions/exceptions and Acts like the H&S at Work Act in employment authority/court cases. They are also pursuing breach of contract cases.
- They will help small businesses understand non-COVID exemption rules but not assist them against union members.
- Human rights issues include medical discrimination and religious discrimination complaints.
- Complaints have been filed with the Auditor General regarding lack of proper authorities for pandemic response and improper spending.
- Injured vaccine recipients may pursue medical misadventure claims against doctors (insurance) and relevant organisations. Group actions could help cover legal costs. Breach of contract cases.

2 – 00:25:26 – Geoff has two reputable lawyers who have acknowledged in writing that his arguments about pursuing non-statute barred personal injury claims through insurance are valid. Tudor Clee lawyer is handling the case of a protester who was kneeled on.
- They discuss potential cases around the Crimes of Torture Act 1989, which allows pursuing claims without the Attorney General's approval including in mental hospitals.
- In 2024 they plan to further research legal gatekeepers and uncover unknown acts.
- Emma is compiling video clips from their Zoom meetings around key themes like Ants Haines, exemptions, designations, the Health and Safety at Work Act, and the Health Act.
- Suggested additional themes include the Pfizer contract, the Insurance Act, and the Emergency Preparedness Act.
- Discussion to revisit zoom covering the 90’s section of the Health Act 1956. See Ep 24 @33:01 20230301 (W) The Legal Trap Begins to Close,: Overarching principles -92A, 92B, 92C respect for Individuals, 92D Voluntary compliance https://rumble.com/v2ben0w-1st-march-23-n8-the-legal-trap-begins-to-close.html & Ep .75 @ 35:10 https://rumble.com/v3eifcf-ep-75-n8-friday-1st-sept-taking-the-kings-shilling.html
- Leaders accountability courts and Chris Wingate.
- Interview from Nadine Connock on RCR & NZDSOS
- OIA, clause 12A (6) was it a gag order? (6) The Minister may impose conditions on the exemption as the Minister considers necessary. A potential whistleblower is discussed around the conditions placed on section 12A health worker exemptions.
- Production value and removing off-topic sections from videos is discussed to help share compilations.
- Zooms may reduce to once weekly until ramping back up after the holidays.

3 – 00:33:49 – OPEN CHAT - Liz is finding it difficult to relax during the holidays and keeps waking up early, thinking about the day's tasks.
- A PDF of 100 episodes has been posted.
- Chants are suggested for pushback and payback against unspecified entities.
- Terrorism acts are mentioned and thinking about context of past legislation. An Act is supposed to right a wrong
- Satanic installations on government property in the US are discussed as challenging free speech. Actions to dismantle them are similarly challenging.
- The Crimes of Torture Act 1989 is brought up as having potential loopholes. Section 14 allows claims without attorney general approval.
- Reports of the act's use should be searched in the NZ Gazette. No past cases have seemed to come to light under whistleblowing acts.
- The year 2024 and upcoming "sizzling hot" events are referenced.

4 – 00:42:39 – Geoff W. discovered the NZ Transport Agency is subject to the Fair Trading Act, which could extend to police. Infringement notices may count as unsolicited communications.
- Geoff plans to challenge infringement notices under the Fair Trading Act. Crown entities are covered by the Act.
- It's suggested this approach could also work against Pfizer using contractual issues.
- Concerns are raised about Messenger banning and safety issues, recommending Signal instead.

- Content links
Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act 2022:
Current New Zealand law protecting whistleblowers from reprisals. It came into force in July 2022.
Section 3 – The purpose
Section 7 - view the flowchart which gives an overview of how the Act applies to the discloser.
Section 8 - Meaning of a disclosure in this act.
Section 9 - Meaning of protected disclosure
Subpart 2 - To whom disclosures can be made
Sections regarding requirements for receivers of disclosures and protections for whistleblowers.
Section 11 (3) - A discloser is entitled to protection for a protected disclosure made to an appropriate authority at any time.
Section 13 - Guidance: what receiver should do
Section 14 - Guidance for receivers of disclosures
Section 16 - Referral of disclosures
Section 21 - Prohibition on retaliation
Section 22 - No victimisation
Section 23 - Immunity from liability
Section 29 - Public sector organisations must have internal procedures

Section 103 (1)(k) Employment Relations Act 2000:
Provides right to bring personal grievance for retaliation.

Nadine Connock

Crimes of Torture Act 1989

NZ Gazette - 6 notices found containing "Crimes of Torture Act 1989"
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

90’s section of the Health Act 1956.
See Ep 24 @33:01 20230301 (W) The Legal Trap Begins to Close,: Overarching principles -92A, 92B, 92C respect for Individuals, 92D Voluntary compliance https://rumble.com/v2ben0w-1st-march-23-n8-the-legal-trap-begins-to-close.html & Ep .75 @ 35:10 https://rumble.com/v3eifcf-ep-75-n8-friday-1st-sept-taking-the-kings-shilling.html

12A (6) COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Amendment Order 2021 - Power of Minister to grant exemptions
(6) The Minister may impose conditions on the exemption as the Minister considers necessary.

Geoff W. recommend to check it out!!

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