Are We Hackable Animals?

Are We Hackable Animals?

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Hope and Tivon join us today to talk about how technology could be utilized into something called the internet of bodies. Hope and Tivon are a husband and wife team of engineering, research and business professionals. They are American expats who live in Morocco. Tivon has a background as a US Navy Technician and energy technology engineer. Hope holds an MBA and has a variety of business management experience in both government and corporate finance, small business management and marketing. They run an online engineering academy for the development of clean energy technology devices.

Hope and Tivon: https://www.ftwproject.com

Sun City Silver and Gold: sovereignize@protonmail.com

Zstack Protocol: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=LAURALYNN

☆ We no longer can trust our mainstream media, which is why independent journalists such as myself are the new way to receive accurate information about our world. Thank you for supporting us – your generosity and kindness to help us keep information like this coming! ☆

~ L I N K S ~

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