BREAKING: Bullying Behind the Oxford High School Shooting?

1 year ago

An independent investigation says Oxford High could have prevented the deaths of four and woundings of seven others in 2021. That statement is incomplete. The school did not merely fail to prevent the attack. Bullying at Oxford high School may have caused the attack.
A previous video showed how schools in America emphasize sports scholarships over progress for all students.
Our schools marginalize kids and create bullying situations. OxFord High School is no different. Bullied students died in 2012 and 2013. In 2017 they were featured on ABC news.
The authorities have been oddly silent about bullying in the Crumley case, but he was exposed to significant risk factors in his life.
The failure of the school to prevent the attack is now well recognized. Let’s get beyond limiting damage, and work on prevention. Why the Oxford attack became inevitable is a factor too long ignored, while the professionals who actually failed are free to go on with their lives.


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