Here’s your sneak peak!

1 year ago

Dear Patriot,

Aren’t you sick of those last minute, dramatic requests for end-of-year contributions:
“The sky is falling if you don’t give.”
“2x Matching Donation if you give now!”

Well, nothing dramatic like that from me in these last 72 hours of the year... except this... THE FATE OF THE FREE WORLD DEPENDS ON YOU!!!

Okay, okay, maybe a little dramatic! While the fate of the free world does not depend on how much you contribute to Patriot Academy in these last few days of the year, it DOES depend on you, me, and our fellow patriots roaring into 2024 with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication to restoring self-governance and Biblical Citizenship to our communities. And there is nothing more important to that cause than for each of us to once again be saturated in Book that has the answers to all that ails us.

I have three end-of-year requests:

1. Accept my challenge to read through The Founder’s Bible and join me each day for this most important of all Biblical Citizen activities. I’ll be posting each day’s reading on social media along with a link to a daily video from the Green Family commenting on that day’s reading as well as an actual reading through the incredibly applicable articles in The Founder’s Bible. We can hold each other accountable to stick with this reading plan for 366 straight days (2024 is a Leap Year) and the videos will give you an opportunity to listen to the articles if you prefer doing your morning Bible reading via audio while driving or working out. Watch for my daily posts or just go straight to PatriotAcademy.TV where the videos will be uploaded to PatriotU. See you on New Year’s Day!

2. Watch this short video announcement and preview of the Campus Adventures Vlogs! SO much has happened at the Patriot Academy Campus in 2023 and my boys have been documenting the whole thing behind the scenes just for YOU. The first few episodes will be released over the next two weeks to you for FREE. Here’s your sneak peak!

3. Yes, please do make the best end-of-year contribution you can ( All drama aside and just being straight up blunt and transparent with you... Patriot Academy is on the verge of launching the most impactful programs in our history, both at the campus and in communities across the Nation... and we have a very real, very significant need to finish out the office building and large classroom at the campus so we can get our operation moved there and the 2024 expansion programs kicked off. Be sure to watch the short video announcement about the Campus Adventure Vlogs and pay special attention to the request at the end. This is your chance to obtain one of the coveted Tavern Mugs that is normally reserved only to my guests that appear on The Tavern. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you in 2024,
Rick Green
America’s Constitution Coach

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