Ex Pharma Rep: Pharma Is Taking Over The Primary Care, Directing People Into Forever Treatments

1 year ago

They’ll Control The Referrals & Direct People Into Treatments They Can Drastically Mark Up & Make A Fortune. America Is Profits Over People

“The day of a primary care being independent and a free thinker is over. They're employed by hospital systems. Major conglomerates have gone out and bought up the primary care practice. Why? Because now they have the patient population.

If I can get you at the primary care level, then I can control the referral of where that primary care sends you as we profiteer off your disease state. K. So you go to a primary care. Let's say let's just walk through the same example I gave earlier, A Methylfolate test. They never run that test.

Right? There's genetics. The Methylfolate test tells me my genetics, but there's epigenetics. The choices I make every day impact which genes turn on and which genes turn off. If nobody ever has a conversation with me in my thirties about my hormone levels, about getting into the sun, about eating right, and you push me towards chronic disease because you wrote me a prescription to treat a symptom, and now I go through this system and I get cancer, that primary care is going to refer me to an oncologist, and that oncologist is part of that same system.

Right? And most people don't know this. 65% of an oncologist's income comes from chemotherapy, from the markup they're making off your chemotherapy. 65%, and I I attached that link, Jamie, too, uh, where it it talks about this. So all I'm getting at is Russell Brand said this, and he was spot on.

Another guy who's not a clinician but understood what's going on here. If we make things about profits and quarterly earnings and big business and not patient outcomes.

Don't be shocked when we get phenomenal quarterly earnings and piss poor patient outcomes. 65%. 65% and I attached the link just so we'd have it. So they have a financial incentive. So this is an article where they were trying to in, uh, the insurance companies were trying to incentivize them to use a generic in this instance because this is one of those issues where there's no rebate and no way for the insurance company to monetize it. But it breaks down how much money these guys 65% of an oncologist's income comes from that. Wow.

This is incredible. Um, and and so I I say all this again because I don't think that a clinician's to blame. I don't think that they're just operating in the system that they're given. They're playing with the playing field that's It's been set before them and the rules of the game that have been set before”


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