More And Most

1 year ago

Somberly alerted and awakened by God is how we end the last week of this year. We have seen so much miraculous intervention by our God in this year as our culture has degenerated, enticed by evil, and given over to their fleshly desires. It has been a crazy-awful year as we have watched our nations fall by way of a corrupted human condition. It has been a sad and somber year, as many of us have shaken off the deception of our nations through our corrupted media and their mediatic false frenzy, and embraced the hard truth that we have been lied to, manipulated by evil deception, with horrible intentions played out against our human race.

God is STILL here with us and for us, this rings true throughout our lands as we all shake off the prevalent deception, turn back to God, His way, truth and life and cling to Him, digging our life roots deeply in His Kingdom. There is coming a time of heart to heart repentance like no other than we have ever seen in our generation. More of God, less of us.

2023 will go out with a bang as deception is obliterated by the truth of God which is shattering the darkness of evil, continuing by God’s exposing and expunging of it. Mankind has served no power higher than self and they have fixed nothing, and corrupted everything. Evil, working through human beings will not have its way. Human beings are not the fixers, God is. Evil has had its day of parading through out lands in this past year. It has been a horrific, horrible display of the degenerated human condition as the human race has failed because the humanity can not and never will be able to handle supremacy over one another. Illegitimate authority has ruined our society nation to nation, proving once and for all that Supremacy is for God alone. God is the only One Who can hold on to Supremacy with righteousness and purity of heart and spirit.

What do we have to look forward to in the new year as we sit in the ashes of our human condition? This next year will be a year of failure, the failure of the human condition of mankind, who has served no power higher than self. God has not abdicated His authority, He has allowed evil to run wild to wake us up to the truth that we human beings were created to need our God, we were created to be in fellowship with Him. When we took God out of everything, look how corrupted and chaotic our nations have become.

This next year, people will return to God. He will be our God and we will be His people. God will be our MORE and our MOST. We will yield to Him the all of our everything and He will miraculously provide for us and protect us as our culture crashes and burns from the weight of sin. Everything in this next year is subject to change and we will be grateful More and Most for the good intentions of our God. God is good and His goodness will usher out the darkness of evil, like silver in the fire is purified. As things rapidly decline this next year, we will see the MORE and MOST of our Awe-GOD!

This next year we will see God’s Authority come in brilliantly like a bright light in a deep darkness shatters it and immediately leaves no trace of darkness. The illegitimate authority of mankind will fall and utterly fail. God will intervene MORE and MOST than we could ever imagine. We will see God’s Authority shine forth in ways we have never witnessed before. We will realize that we need God more and most, that we do not need the authority of corrupt human beings. We will position ourselves under the Rulership of God’s Love more than we ever have before and He will be our MOST, our enough for times such as these. The evil in every nation will fall and God will rise victoriously in the hearts of all those who yield to Him, to His Authority, to His leadership, to His Kingdom. We will see MORE and MOST of God’s purposes in play in our reality and His truth will prove to be the evidence that has stood the tests and trials of deception as it will shine forth victoriously, all evil of the last year will be exposed and expunged.

Everything we will “grow through” in this next year as evil makes its last stand and the human condition rots and stanks up our lives, all of this will end well for those of us Who have yielded our lives to God, as all of the evil poured out this next year will be transformed by the Mighty Power of our God for our good and for His glory. In order to balance these two Providential Care Purposes of our God, the transition from good to glory may be a rough spot for humanity, but as we yield to Almighty God, Elohim, clinging desperately to His way, truth and life, we will thrive and grow through these dark days ahead, protected and provided for miraculously by our Jehovah God, with MORE than we could ever hope for or imagine as He becomes our MOST important vital-vertical relationship in this world.

So, as we step out of this year, the commitment of the Rumble KimberlyMac, Heart To Heart channel remains fixed on Jesus Christ as our MORE and our MOST. We promise to the best of “His” miraculous ability, to bring to you in the New Year, MORE of Him, more encouragement, more truth, more love, more hope, more wisdom, more peace, more joy out of the MOST of our Awe-GOD. God bless you and yours. KimberlyMac Heart TO Heart with God forever!

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