What the Nurses Saw By Ken McCarthy

1 year ago

#WhattheNursesSaw By #KenMcCarthy

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No human activity can ever be free from error, but to be clear, this book is not about the kind of error all human beings are prone to.

As you will learn from the eye-witness accounts and technical information presented in this book, calling the failed COVID protocols “errors” is not accurate.

What The Nurses Saw — It was Murder.

These protocols were explicitly ordered by those who took dictatorial control of the medical system early in the Panic (spring of 2020). Further, when they were shown to be demonstrably failing and harming many thousands of people, experienced healthcare professionals who raised informed concerns were silenced through demotion, firing, and organized campaigns of harassment promoted by the news media and enabled by companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, in some cases in collaboration with the White House and the Department of Justice’s FBI.

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