Elon Musk Unveils Game-changing Molecule for Infinite Energy!

1 year ago

If people want to switch to a sustainable energy economy by 2050, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, says it will cost $10 trillion.The company said that this kind of change was "entirely feasible" at the Tesla "Master Plan" Investor Day event. More information about the company's research has not been shared yet, but they have said they will do so in the future. However, just recently Elon Musk unveils a revolutionary molecule which helps us harness a limitless supply of energy. And we’re going to find out how in todays episode. So stay tuned!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Elon Musk Evolution, where we bring you the most recent news about Elon Musk and his multi billion-dollar companies, space news and the latest science and technology.
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Once again, Musk has come up with a massive plan in his third "Master Plan". Previous versions were summaries of possible Tesla products and features that might or might not materialize. This one, on the other hand, deals with bigger, more global problems.

"There is a clear path to a fully sustainable Earth - with abundance," Musk claimed. "...it doesn't mean destroying natural habitats or being frugal and not using electricity..." It surprises me how few people know this.

Key to the company's argument is that an electrified environment wastes a lot less energy and needs about half as much to maintain the same level of living.

An important part of switching to green energy is having about 240TWh of battery storage, 30TW of renewable power, and 0.2 percent of the world's land available. Musk said that the first estimates put the cost at $6 trillion, but after making the study "more pessimistic," they calculated that it would actually cost $10 trillion over the next few decades.

Some of these costs are the mining and refining of important materials, the recycling plants for cars, and the power creation and storage systems themselves.

"If this was spread out over 10 years it would be one percent of the global economy, over 20 years it would be half a percent, so this is not a big number relative to the global economy," Musk went on. Elon Musk said that $14 trillion has been spent on fossil fuel infrastructure in the last 20 years.

Tesla said in presentation slides that using renewable energy to power the current grid would cut fossil fuel use by 35%. Using heat pumps and electric cars would cut use even more, by 22% and 21%, respectively. High-temperature heat delivery and hydrogen would cut use by 17%. Three more percent could be saved by switching to planes and boats that use fuel that doesn't harm the environment. That's a total of 98 percent saved.

"My personal opinion is that as we improve the energy density of batteries we will see all transportation go fully electric, with the exception of rockets," Musk stated.

To make this happen, the use of solar and wind power would have to triple over what it was in 2022, the production of electric vehicles (EVs) would have to rise eleven times, and the production of batteries would have to fall about 29 times, and stay that high every year.

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