The ARCHITECT -- The Chabad - Lubavitch – Rothschild Global Cabal Exposed

1 year ago

Their Zohar and Talmud says that when they wipe out the Gentiles, there will be 20 slaves for each one of them. They say all religions, including Christianity are idol worshiping religions which include over 6 ½ billion people. Their religion is the true religion.

The Architect' is a 2023 Documentary that exposes the 'Synagogue of Satan.' CHABAD GLOBAL CRIMINAL CARTEL EXPOSED: Featuring Daryl Bradford Smith of the French Connection, 2011. A Pioneer of Exposing the Chabad International Criminal Cartel. This version of 'THE ARCHITECT' is a merge of the 2-part series.

In just 130 years, one specific tribe has managed to not only strangle the commerce of the world with Central Banking but almost every aspect of cultural appropriation.

This has been achieved through media and academic institutions of which they control. They are embedded deep within European and Western governments. The end goal is to destroy these nations, and then rule over the ashes of the entire world. They are slowly achieving this, solely due to the apathy and lack of critical thinking by the citizens of these nations. The "Architect" plays the victim, which insulates him from criticism and accountability.

Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, and 'Mystery Babylon'. Learn His - Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order.

Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep State's deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew.

------------------------------------------ ***Topics***--------------------------------------------------------

The Chabad-Lubavitch Organization, the LGBTQ+ agenda, Bloodlines of the Jews, Jewish involvement in COVID-19, critical race theory in schools, Judaism's influence on academia, pedophilia in The Talmud, The Jewish role in the pornography industry, the Jewish re-writing of Wikipedia, Jordan Peterson's refusal to acknowledge the Jewish question,

Source: Page Chronicles --

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