HOW TO AVOID MRNA MEAT! - The Fight Against Farmers Continues!

1 year ago

HOW TO AVOID MRNA MEAT! - The Fight Against Farmers Continues!
Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive global move away from fake lab grown and chemically produced "meat" as mRNA is found in meats at local grocery stores throughout the world.
While we see a lot of pushback, we know the end goal. A CBDC with carbon and social credits attached. These credits will tell us what rations we're allowed in the Great Reset.
Regardless of the pushback, if people are dependent on grocery stores and their bank accounts, the move towards food restrictions will continue and they will force you to eat their bugs, mRNA or mystery fake meats.
There ARE however solutions out there and in this short video today, we give you two examples as countless people ask, "How does one avoid mRNA mystery meat?"
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Source: "World Alternative Media"
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