#NESARA 和 #GESARA:與 #AlexCollier 一起揭開真相!

1 year ago


#NESARA 和 #GESARA:與 #AlexCollier 一起揭開真相!(11分鐘剪輯)


NESARA and GESARA: Unveiling the Truth with Alex Collier! (11 mins. cutout)

Join us for a revealing session with Alex Collier, a respected Andromedan contactee, as he addresses an intriguing query in our 18th full question-and-answer webinar, hosted on December 31, 2021🌌: "Is NESARA and GESARA real?"💰🌍.

In this informative video, Alex Collier delves into the complex and widely debated topics of NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act). He offers his perspective on the authenticity of these initiatives, examining their potential impact on global economics and societal reform. This session provides an in-depth analysis …

來源: 英語原版 https://youtube.com/watch?v=2OZUFApx8LU

拍攝於20211231,說明計劃是非常安靜及緩慢進行,當時乃至現在都只有少數人知道,但都是真實的,比Bretton Woods System更大的改革,點關鍵字可找到相關貼。想知道當下世界發生甚麼事,請看上片。

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