Apatros Action 52 Masochist: Chapter 45 - Ninja Assault

1 year ago

The obligatory ninja-themed game on the infamous original NES multicart of "Action 52" [remember this was made in 1991, when ninjas were still popular], this has you the player control a ninja whose only means of attack [& thus defense] is to do a spinning jump-kick & to put two sticks together like Peter Cushing in an old Hammer horror movie. You come up against enemy ninjas, vicious [& surprisingly fast] attack dogs & even nasty seagulls.

The game has several multi-platform levels [the first is a standard side-scrolling paltformer, the second is a boss battle, the third is a cheap riff on "Battletoads" with you jumping over logs & the fourth is a return to the platforming of the first level], but I only made it as far as defeating the boss ninja in the second level before the game refused to clear the level. The insanely short reaction time makes this a below-average game at best.

My Grade: D+ [Disappointing]

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