Alien Invasion: Resist or Die America

1 year ago

Even the dullest knife in the drawer ought to be able to see that America is under a multi-front attack by the Globalist, Woketard Left, and that Americans are currently being herded by the ruling class (agents of the 13 central banking families who have long owned and/or controlled this broken and aching world through monetary fraud) into the waiting arms of their "New World Order," a global, technocratic, Neo-feudalistic system of human depopulation and enslavement from which there will soon be no escape.
This plan to destroy Western civilization through trauma-based mind control PSYOPS, racial division, demoralization, propaganda, weaponized migration, and dialectical control and manipulation, and to then build upon the ashes of our once great civilization a one-world government that will be administered by another creation of these Thirteen Families, the United Nations, didn't just begin with Obama and Obiden administrations. In fact, bits and pieces this diabolical, multi-generational plan have been put into place, piece by piece, over the past 100 years, ever since these inbred Khazarian families were handed control of our nation's monetary system (like a Christmas present) on Christmas Eve, 1913 by a handful of traitors in the U.S. Congress (see Federal Reserve Act).
In fact, history proves that damn near every bad thing that has happened to our country since that fateful day 110 years-ago is directly attributable to agents of these Money Masters, and until we can put our country back onto an honest monetary system--one that's based on a gold and silver and other noble metals (something that cannot be endlessly created out of thin air) as our Constitution demands, we Americans will continue to be the perpetual debt slaves of these despotic criminals, who through their ability to create unlimited amounts of unredeemable counterfeit currency, will continue buying up the world or free, as they continue to destroy peace, prosperity, and individual human liberty on a global scale.
Meet the Thirteen Families
The Money Masters
Freedom Movement Nanifesto

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