Nov 12, 2016 ❤️ Jesus says... You'll feel a brief Taste of My Kingdom on Earth...2 Years World Peace

8 months ago

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Jesus says…You will feel a brief Taste of My Kingdom… 2 Years of World Peace

November 12, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began… “Because you have taken these things to heart you shall live and not die, says the Lord your God.

“Because you have prayed for this nation, for My will to be done, despite your personal opinions, you shall prosper both in soul and body. You will prosper in a healthy way and your enemies shall be defeated before you.

“Because you have taken it to heart to cover this nation and president Trump with prayer, and spread the truth, for these reasons will My choicest blessings be upon you and this nation.

“There is a long winding road ahead of us, My People, a very long road with many twists and turns. But if you continue to pray and offer sacrifices as you have, it will lead to a spiritual renaissance where there will be an unusual degree of international peace between nations. There will be a taste of My government on this Earth – short lived as it may be. Still, the world will know the difference between My Peace and the contrived, staged peace of the elite.

“I am going to give them a taste of what the world can be like when I govern. All will see and know the difference between Satan’s government and Mine. This is an extraordinary opportunity to convert those who are misled and participating in a dark government posing as the light.

“There are many, among the youth especially – generation ‘X’ – that have good hearts and want the right things, but are grossly deceived by the New World Order’s agenda.”

(Clare) And while He was speaking, I saw the nations of the world exchanging goods, ideas, governing peoples, providing for a healthy country, especially in Europe. I saw that America would lead the way, because President Trump would do the right thing by his citizens. And in establishing justice, other nations would follow the example and begin to do things they never thought possible.

I sense that the world trade agreements have hamstrung this planet to the point where nothing works anymore. I saw the Lord taking scissors and cutting these bands, releasing prosperity where it had been suppressed and making honest agreements that benefit all rather than the corrupted and outdated system.

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Jesus says…You will feel a brief Taste of My Kingdom… 2 Years of World Peace

November 12, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began… “Because you have taken these things to heart you shall live and not die, says the Lord your God.

“Because you have prayed for this nation, for My will to be done, despite your personal opinions, you shall prosper both in soul and body. You will prosper in a healthy way and your enemies shall be defeated before you.

“Because you have taken it to heart to cover this nation and president Trump with prayer, and spread the truth, for these reasons will My choicest blessings be upon you and this nation.

“There is a long winding road ahead of us, My People, a very long road with many twists and turns. But if you continue to pray and offer sacrifices as you have, it will lead to a spiritual renaissance where there will be an unusual degree of international peace between nations. There will be a taste of My government on this Earth – short lived as it may be. Still, the world will know the difference between My Peace and the contrived, staged peace of the elite.

“I am going to give them a taste of what the world can be like when I govern. All will see and know the difference between Satan’s government and Mine. This is an extraordinary opportunity to convert those who are misled and participating in a dark government posing as the light.

“There are many, among the youth especially – generation ‘X’ – that have good hearts and want the right things, but are grossly deceived by the New World Order’s agenda.”

(Clare) And while He was speaking, I saw the nations of the world exchanging goods, ideas, governing peoples, providing for a healthy country, especially in Europe. I saw that America would lead the way, because President Trump would do the right thing by his citizens. And in establishing justice, other nations would follow the example and begin to do things they never thought possible.

I sense that the world trade agreements have hamstrung this planet to the point where nothing works anymore. I saw the Lord taking scissors and cutting these bands, releasing prosperity where it had been suppressed and making honest agreements that benefit all rather than the corrupted and outdated system.


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