May 8, 2011 🎺 It's Time to fly... Let go and forget your Life in this World

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The Lord says…
It is Time to fly! Forget your lives in this World…Let go!

May 8, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of the Lord spoken to Timothy, for The Lord’s Little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to Hear

This is what The Lord your God says, even I, the counsel of your hearts… If each, in My flock, would only listen… The sound of My voice is heard by My prophets, and that which My Spirit speaks is heard deep within, even within all My sheep.

For the voice of The Lord is not as man’s voice, neither is the Spirit of The Most Holy like man’s spirit. For though you were created in the image of The Christ, The Image of God, and in you have I placed the substance of The Most Holy, it remains the choice of every child under Heaven to embrace that which is given, and to do good… Seeking always The Way.

Therefore, beloved little flock, I have tested you and removed from you everything upon which you lean, pulling out from beneath you those things upon which you rested… To reveal your faith, to bring your hearts forward.

For The Way is clear, yet so many fall backward, so many fade back into slumber, falling headlong back into the ways of the world. And so it is revealed in this last hour, it is laid upon the table for each one to consider… Surely it is time.

Little flock, it is time to realize your need, and to forget your lives in this world… To give up and to let go… It is time to fly, to take flight and to fly away!

Oh My beloved, let go and grab hold of Me tightly!… LET GO OF THIS WORLD! Why do you hold fast to that which keeps you bound to this world?… LET GO! I have overcome. It’s time to let go and believe. It’s time to trust with all abandonment, without reservation… To embrace the full revelation of WHO I AM… And believe!

Beloved, there is one among you, who has left everything and traveled far; there is one who trusts in Me, without reservation… Your sister. Behold, there are some among you whose days are their own, and still I wait for you to ask of Me, to offer yourselves upon the altar.

Lo, I wait for you all to rush forward and serve Me!… For those daughters to give up their time, in favor of another who is not their own, to serve Me without reservation, to gladly go wheresoever need is revealed.

How long shall you be biased? How long shall self-servience blind your eyes to My ways, and stop your ears to My voice? How long will you resist doing that which is well pleasing to Me? How long shall false judgment harden your hearts against My cause?… Little flock, stop lying to yourselves!… Selfish children!

It is time! This is the last hour!… Yet many of you do not believe, many of you remained chained… My doves, when will you fly?!

When will you break free from these snares, in which you have caught yourself, ensnared by your own selfish desires?… Beloved, I AM HE! This I have already told you, this I have revealed to you… And still, deep within I see unbelief…

Captive children with chained hearts, enclosed in a room of locked doors, your eyes are blinded by this world, and your hands reach out but only for your own. Deceived and foolish children, you understand nothing of My blood or how it flows; nor have you fully embraced the bonds which I have forged in love… You lack knowledge, and understanding remains just outside your reach.

For My way is freedom, love in action, bearing much fruit in righteousness… And when it is finished, deep and profound peace.

Yet when I look through your eyes, I see only constraints. And when I feel with your hearts, there is a tightness, an unwillingness to move, and much fear…

Know you not, perfect love casts out fear?!… How is it you have yet to know Me?! Why do you depart in your hearts? How is it you have forgotten the first works, your First Love, that first moment you realized?… The revelation that indeed, I AM WHO I AM?… Sins forgiven, all burdens lifted?… My children, WHO IS LIKE ME?!

Beloved, awake!… A prophet is not required; a teacher is not the way. Yea, a book on a table can not save you; nor are words on a screen, or voices reading, the way into Salvation; nor can fellowship bring you real peace or heal your hearts. All these things I have given you to bless you, to point the way… Helpers to open your understanding, vessels by which your knowledge in The Holy could be increased… For I love you… I am in love with you!

Beloved, I am The Only Way! I am The Only Truth! I am The Only Life!… The Living Word! The Revelation of Glory!… Love defined… Now walk in Me!… And do unto others, as you would do unto Me, preparing My way before Me…Says The Lord.

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