Cloud Nine by Kwik ft Dash (An Unreal Steampunk Environment)

1 year ago

An environment that I queried GPT for. When I started this project I wanted to do something different than all the work by other artists. I got barely into it when I was hit with a 'designers block', so I asked on Facebook what people would like to see. The input they provided was more than enough fuel to get back to work. As a homage, I promised them I would give them credits for their ideas.
I used Cinema 4D to model various pieces I needed such as the islands'
base platforms. I then used Marketplace assets coupled with Megascans. I used the powerful scattering, physics, and cable tools that are in Polygon Flow's Dash Plugin. Also used was Ultra Dynamic Sky as my lighting solution. Video footage was then worked on inside of DaVinci Resolve. Audio track: "The Atmosphere" by Paul Keane.
(Images are screenshots from various states of the project because the project failed, and no longer opens)
**Shoutouts/Credits: Daniel (COO) of Polygon Flow, Jason Johnston, Justin Emersons, Keanu Garcia, Rok Nuzi, Ellina Ellis, Jamin De-Emperor, Armand Rudy Diamvinza, and last but not least Tudds Cgi. - Thank you all so much, this wouldn't have been possible without you.**
Unreal Engine
8k Video Footage -
Polygon Flow Dash -
Ultra Dynamic Sky -

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