Some Things Should Never Change Part 2 2023-12-10

9 months ago

This Sabbath, I want to continue with an element directly related to the 3 Angels Messages (most especially the 3rd), that most wont talk about. There’s nothing really new under the SUN, and what the enemy has used in the past (that worked), through Pagan/Papal Roman Babylon, will be used again. This run-up, repeat, then end-run, is especially dangerous, as the thought leaders of the air quotes “Remnant Church” rarely if ever address this element of Covenant breaking/change, so the rank & file will be blindsided, having been conditioned not to see or hear this element of enemy encroachment (not wanting to seem as Judaizers). We hope you can join us for part 2 of a somewhat controversial, but researched message “Some Things Should Never Change” (and some should, maybe, us).

Some Biblical & Corroborating Historical extracts / great words, from enemies: Daniel 7:25 “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:..”

Jewish Influence in Christian Reform Movements Page 373 "At the Ninth Synod of Toledo in 655 AD : “t was found necessary to pass a law requiring baptized Jews to be present at the Bishop's service on Christian [Catholic] as well as on Jewish holidays in order that he might superintend their services; whoever transgressed was to be whipped or starved, depending upon his age. Thus it was hoped to force Jews to relinquish the celebration of their own festivals and, under strict supervision by Church authorities, properly to observe Christian ceremonies. {Affirmed: At the Seventh General Council of Nicaea in 787, Canon 8: }

Enforced attendance of Sabbath Keepers (automatically considered Jews or Judaizers) during “Christian” [Catholic/Pagan] holidays Sunday, Easter, Christmas etc also enforced non-observance of the Biblical Sabbath / Holy Days. Did it ever happen here? It has, and previews the near future (especially) if Conservatives sweep elections, and implement Project 2025. (for info on this, see 35 minute video by Judgment hour

“1610 Articles, Lawes, and Orders, Divine, Politique, and Martiall for the Colony of Virginea” “Every man and woman shall repair in the morning to the divine service and sermons preached upon the Sabbath day [Sunday] and in the afternoon to divine service and catechizing, upon pain for the first fault, to lose provision and the allowance for the whole week following; for the second, to lose said allowance and also be whipt; and for the third to suffer death.”

{Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs 2187,2188} 2187 ”Sanctifying Sundays and holy days requires a common effort. … In spite of economic constraints, public authorities should ensure citizens a time intended for rest and divine worship. Employers have a similar obligation toward their employees.” 2188 In respecting … the common good of all, Christians should seek recognition of Sundays and the Church's holy days as legal holidays.”

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