Foundations - Beast days vs Feast days 2023-09-17

1 year ago

Today, we continue with #2. Foundations - Morality of GOD's Time, (Beast's Days vs Feast Days, and the 3 Angels' Messages). If this topic did not fit into that, I would not waste our time with it. Though "ceremonies" is but one time in the Bible, much to do, is made of "Moral vs Ceremonial laws. and though the term is not in the Bible (like Millenium), the topic and principles are.
Among us, there are influences that effectively build sympathies, toward changes ROME made to "the faith once delivered to the saints." Whether done in genuine ignorance or on purpose, the result is the same. Christians insult Jehovah in a bow to an antichrist system's authority, in relation to times and laws of divine worship. We hope you can join us, this day as we sound the trumpet.
Maranatha - Happy Sabbath - Shabbat Shalom

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