DANGEROUS Sleeper Cells ARE ALREADY HERE | 4 Ways To Prepare

1 year ago

6.2 Million Immigrants have crossed the US illegally over the last 3 years, many of these people don't like the US. If even a small percentage intends to do harm, we could have a major terrorist threat in our midst.
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Left Of Bang - https://amzn.to/47c3dC5
Cooper Color Codes - https://www.cmagriffin.com/situational-awareness-level/#:~:text=Cooper's%20Color%20Codes%20of%20Awareness,in%20the%20event%20someone%20attacked.

📘 Chapters 📘
0:00 Intro
2:12 Main Concern
3:52 Avoid Cities and Large Events
5:55 Carry and Train
7:09 Self-Defense
8:20 Raising Threat Awareness
11:12 Conclusion

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3 Essential Survival Knots You Need to Know - https://youtu.be/Bn6UcgvVzJY

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