Full Moon Star Gate Activation

1 year ago

December 26th Full Moon Star Gate Activation

My name is Natalie, I've been receiving transmissions to assist people in holistic healing, spiritual growth, and walk with them on a spiritual journey as they explore past lives (akashic records), and help the planet enter the 5th dimension.

Channeling is the process of channeling divine energy and information from higher realms into our reality. This often transfers to individuals feeling intuitive guidance and a feeling of "just knowing". This often empowers individuals to be on a mind body soul on a healing journey.
Divine guidance can be done through light language, which is a form of communication sent from light beings that uses light and sound to connect to my self as a light worker and energy worker.
Channeling can also be done through light codes and light language activations, which are tools used by light workers and energy workers to channel divine transmissions.
Divine transmissions are messages or consciousness that are sent from higher realms or dimensions in order to help us heal, evolve, and grow on our spiritual journey.
Light language is one of the most effective ways to channel these healing transmissions, as it is a direct form of communication with the divine.
Channeling is a powerful tool that can help us to receive guidance, healing, and wisdom from the higher dimensions.
Transmitted messages are meant to help humanity raise their vibration and consciousness. These messages often contain instructions on how we can heal ourselves and our planet.
Divine transmissions also contain information about our true nature and mission in this lifetime.

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Be blessed and smile

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