Robin DiAngelo Whitesplains What Black People Think In Response To Centrist Black Academic

1 year ago

Robin DiAngelo has popped up again in the news again. The author, best known for her book that attempts to explain to White People how pretty much everything that they ever do is racist against some minority group (but primarily against Black people) in her book 'White Fragility', has popped back up to lob bombs at people she doesn't agree with… but this time it's a black man. DiAngelo it seems has a bone to pick with Columbia University Linguistics Professor John McWhorter, apparently over a 2020 article McWhorter wrote for The Atlantic that accused DiAngelo and her book of talking down to Black people and being actively counter productive to racial understanding. As one might expect DiAngelo is not happy with McWhorter and went on something called the 'Pan-African Podcast' to let her feelings be known.

“I do not believe he speaks for the vast majority of black people.” Race hustler Robin DiAngelo responds to John McWhorter’s Atlantic article calling her out on the ridiculous Woke “white women’s tears” claim. -- Saying that John McWhorter is a 'Conservative' and claiming that politically he's 'with Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas' is just an incredible stretch, particularly coming from a very, very, very White lady like DiAngelo. McWhorter has in the past been described as being a 'radical centrist', but he himself has long been a member of the Democratic Party and seems to see himself as trying to find a way to talk his own party down from the Social Justice obsessed ledge upon which it's perched itself more so than as a 'conservative Republican', which both Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson clearly believe themselves to be.

But Robin DiAngelo can apparently see into the hearts of Black people to find out their inner thoughts and opinions just as well as she believes she's capable of looking into the hearts of White folk to see the hidden racism that motivates all of their actions. Why she hasn't used her clairvoyance to win and at lottery and retire to Bermuda or something we'll never understand.

• More at: Twitchy - Robin DiAngelo Whitesplains What Black People Think in Response to Centrist Black Academic

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