Firstfruits, Investigative Judgment and Adventist Foundations 2023-03-05

1 year ago

We have been unfolding the "compacted prophecy" nature of the Sanctuary and Covenant Appointed Times, and using them to face down challenges of Rome, Evangelical Babylon and mis-informed and apostate SDA influences. This Sabbath, we will look at Armageddon and the Mount of the Congregation (aka Mo`ed),and un-pack the prophecy through the lenses of Isaiah 14:12-14 and numerous Newer & Older Testament Prophecies,.Jereboam's false Mountains/ Feasts Papal admissions SDA Bible Commentary and Spirit of Prophecy. Also, Divine protection and deliverance for His Own Covenant keeping children. Hope you can join us.

Prayer Request and Thanks: Blanca and I are still in Florida, trying to tie off loose ends for her 92 year old Dad (Emilio), who's been multiple "safe and effective" COVID jabbed, was re-infected. He was just released from Advent Health (a gross misnomer). to a Rehab, and we are taking him home instead. The COVIDiocy ineptitude and callousness, in SDA institutions (and SDA family), is stunning. They WILL NOT use what works; we did and (Thanks be to GOD for the late Dr Zev Zelenko's protocol), it has sped recovery, and it can't be shared among the SDA(?) Covidians. Thanks for continued prayers . We hope to begin travel back to Washington from Florida, Monday or Tuesday.

Isaiah 14:4,12-14 tells us it is the “… king of Babylon, [and the one], fallen from heaven … Lucifer … who said in his “I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation (4150), in the sides of the north: 14 … I will be like the most High.” Who (through his agents, speaks), great words against the most High, wears out His saints and thinks to change times and laws (Daniel 7:25)

{1SM 316,317} “The great statute book is truth, and truth only; for it delineates with unerring accuracy the history of Satan’s deception, and the ruin of his followers. Satan claimed to be able to present laws which were better than God’s statutes and judgments, and he was expelled from heaven. He has made a similar attempt upon earth. … to put himself and his devices where God should be, … and many even of the people of God are ignorant of his devices, and they give him all the opportunity he asks… Those who are unacquainted with the laws of God’s government as expounded upon the mount, are unacquainted with the truth as it is in Jesus.”

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