Fake News

1 year ago

News = Noose

I appreciate you liking, commenting, and sharing my work. I am very grateful and appreciative. Much respect, good vibes, and prayers. May the karma wheel turn. We all get what we deserve here in this realm. My censored book "UNLOCKED MIND" can be found on my website: www.FlatEarthFightClub.com

😀 May it forever be a ray sunshine in your life. 😊 🙌

This book is banned across Earth, so I'd like to ask you to check it out. If anything, help me share its information. Please do give your family and friends a chance to have an opinion on the matter. My freedom of speech is being infringed upon and I'm asking you to help me share this book with the masses. The censoring of sharing the information in this book on social media networks is litterally modern day book burning; and a violation of natural rights, including freedom of speech!

I don't ask for anything from anyone ever, but I do ask for help in moving this information as my natural rights are being infringed upon and in any real world this would bring blood shed. Do me a solid and be a good friend and help me share this wisdom which is far outside of myself. This hand made scripture book, "Unlocked Mind" is a direct channel from the most highest.

I deeply appreciate anyone who can take a few minutes out of their day to raise awareness with me. To be honest with you, all else are asleep to me slaving to a beast system that is ruled by pedophiles and murderers. Help us help eachother, please. Share awareness.

Very Truly Yours,

-Kirby Foster aka -Monk Zylio


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