This is the universal Significance of My Birth ❤️ Jesus Christ elucidates Luke 2:1-14

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Sermon 5 … Luke 2:1-14
The universal Significance of My Birth
Chistmas Day – More Revelations *)

Revealed to Gottfried Mayerhofer on Chistmas Day 1871

Luke 2:1-14: “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Thus says the Lord:
1. This chapter deals with My birth, a day you celebrate each year on December 25th in accordance with the rites of the church.

2. You are already familiar with the events at the time of My birth, but there are still many unclear points concerning this act of My first visible appearance on your earth, the deeper meaning of which, in its spiritual correspondence, is still unknown to you. Therefore, I shall make further revelations for your benefit, as well as that of My believing children of the future, to show you that even the smallest thing concerning Me and My coming to the earth is of the greatest significance and will repeat itself on My Second Coming to this small globe, the dwelling place of My children who will be great one day.

3. As the conditions on earth once made it necessary for that particular people at that particular time to witness the great act of grace and love which I accomplished for you and all the spirit world, on My Second Visible Coming a time and place will again be chosen to suit My purpose best.

4. You were right in calling this feast “Holy Night”. It was, indeed, a hallowed night when I consecrated Myself for your sake and that of all material creation, as an offering of meekness, when I, the eternal Lord of the entire creation, put on a fragile, perishable garment, which among millions of beings on other worlds, as far as its outer appearance is concerned, is far beneath the supreme archetype of a human image. Many inhabitants of other worlds are endowed so richly that man of this earth appears to be only a weak imitation of that which I put into this form, as an image of My own Self. And yet, although the dwellers on other globes surpass men of this earth in many ways, spiritually the latter are destined for something infinitely greater than the dwellers of paradisaic worlds and suns. Although they enjoy an eternal spring and live in conditions you cannot even imagine, they lack a clear comprehension of Me, of My spiritual creation and My fatherly love.

5. They are good, because no evil endeavours to induce them to the contrary. They recognize a Supreme Being and kneel before Him in awe, but none of them dare to think that this Supreme Being might wish to press any of His created beings to His fatherly heart and give them the sweet name of a child.

6. Only those who have gained this position through struggle and victory are entitled to this, and they can become children of God. In the school where such children of God are educated, beside the greatest spiritual exaltation, there also has to be the opposite – the greatest possible humiliation, and they must be able to turn completely away from the good, if they so desire. In order to demonstrate to you that it is possible to make positive progress between such extremes and overcome all obstacles, I clothed Myself in one of the lowest and most unpretentious human forms and descended upon this dark globe, which, in regards to its endowment and size, ranks in My creation similar to infusoria between all the beauties and wonders of your earth.

7. But since in My creation even the minutest infusoria in their own way have been made as perfect as man, the lord of this earth, My principle of creation, on all levels of created beings, shows that I am greatest in the smallest, and particularly in this point stand forth as the mighty Creator and Lord. This was the reason why I chose one of the smallest globes to reveal My greatness, thus proving to My entire world of spirits and souls that only in the smallest is the greatest possible, and that the greatest glory is gained in the greatest humilation; that he who sacrifices all is worthy to possess all.

8. Therefore, I was not born in a palace to parents of high standing, but in lowly circumstances. However, in the circumstances of My birth, the sublime, the spiritual, had to be suggested.

9. Thus, the census was decreed by Herod, and I was not born in a house built by men, but in My own house, that is, in the open, in a cave.

10. Neither emperors nor kings witnessed My birth, not even ordinary people, but only animals, unspoilt creatures.

11. The census was responsible for Mary’s journey to Bethlehem in order to bring about that which would honour the King of all creation.

12. Millions of superior spirits sang the hymn of praise: “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to all men of good will!” These and the animals, as they had gone forth from My hand, were present at My birth. Such witnesses were befitting to Me, the Lord of the heavenly hosts, wrapped in swaddling clothes.

13. On account of the census My birth could not remain unnoticed. Thus, at that time, Herod, the cruel governor and Tetrarch of Jerusalem had to rule, thereby making My further education and My later career more difficult. Through the overcoming of all these difficulties, it had to be proven that, although I placed Myself in the lowest position, I would, as witnessed by My entire world of spirits, still fulfil My task, namely, besides setting an example of the greatest humility and self-abnegation, to make this small earth into a training ground for My children, who are destined to one day change, for all the beings living on other globes and suns, the image of the Great Spirit and Creator of all visible nature into one of a loving Father.

14. What I had planned aeons ago and had begun to carry out over a thousand years ago, is now nearing its completion. My religious teaching, My word, which cannot be replaced by a better one – My teaching of love must be universally accepted. Love alone must rule, and all passions of the human heart, which I have put therein so that, through battling against them, love could be won; all these passions must be controlled and placed before the altar of love. Hatred, vengeance, pride and whatever they may be called, these powerful impulses of evil within man must all be silenced. The cross, nailed to which I once asked forgiveness for erring mankind, must, as a symbol of reconciliation, be loved and honoured by everyone and sometimes even carried, in remembrance of the way I have shown, which is the only one that can lead men to spiritual heights.

15. As towards the end of My sojourn on earth circumstances seemed to work against Me, apparently leading to My death, but through the resurrection from matter and My return into My spiritual kingdom actually bringing about My greatest triumph, at the present, too, men seem to be afflicted by an ever growing number of misfortunes and catastrophes. However, man shall rise, like the phoenix from the ashes, out of burnt worldly opinions and prejudices, unscathed as a spiritual product of his Creator, as a spiritual child of a supreme spiritual Father.

16. Like a rudderless ship mankind is drifting towards this destination. But first all the artificial walls the human intellect has built around the loving heart, the barriers of birth, station and superficial knowledge must be torn down. Man must cease to think with his intellect and learn to feel with his heart. Only when the fire of love has warmed his whole soul, can wisdom, as a regulating impulse, set limits to love and let men feel all that with which I have endowed them, and why I have created them as such and not otherwise.

17. Whenever I, as Christ on earth, prayed to My Father, it was wisdom calling to Love to limit its boundless action. Just as wisdom and love can only exist with each other, I, as the Christ, was one with My Father, the Love, and therefore I could say: “No one knows Me, except the Father in Heaven, and I alone know Him”, or “I go to the Father” and so on. Thereby I meant to say: All the world was created out of love, but wisdom has regulated its conditions. Love creates, and wisdom preserves. Love, as the “Father”, was the highest symbol of purity; whereas I, wisdom, as the “Son”, proved it through the deed. Thus also man, as My descendant, shall become a manifestation of love and wisdom. He shall love first and only then shall he learn to be wise, so as to comprehend fully My creation and his mission therein.

18. This is what I have in mind for you, and all events are leading you in that direction, to carry out the rebirth of your Jesus within you. There, He wishes to lead and guide you as an expression of wisdom and love, until, in a short while, the creator of everything visible, the Lord of hosts, as Father, the Love, coupled with the Son or Christ, as wisdom, will step once again upon the earth in person to exclaim for the second and last time what He had uttered on the cross more than a thousand years ago, namely: “It is finished, – the great work of atonement is finished!”

19. I have demonstrated to My spirits how that which they considered impossible has become possible. I have led with My example and made My beings on this small earth into citizens of My eternal Kingdom, into My sole children.

20. What I once started as a babe in a cave near Bethlehem, and what was praised by millions of angelic spirits, but not comprehended by men, except vaguely suspected by a few, has now been accomplished.

21. I have accomplished the work of reconciliation, of love and forgiveness. The world is cleansed of all impure dross of selfishness. And even if afflictions and catastrophes destroy man’s physical body, they cannot harm his spirit and soul. This part of man is standing above the ruins of the world with arms outstretched towards the divine Saviour, Who, as once on earth, is calling to all: Come unto Me, all ye who are heavy laden, that I may take off your burden and refresh you! Come, you fighters for love and wisdom, receive the crown of life; the realm of spirits is open to you and you may see the hosts of angels rejoicing and praising the Lord with the same words as before: “Glory to God on high and peace to men on earth!” For He came into His own, and His children have recognized Him. Amen.

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