'Space Acorn' UFO Crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania!

1 year ago

The Kecksburg UFO incident, occurred on December 9, 1965, when a fireball was reported streaking across six U.S. States and Canada. 1000's were witness to the event. In Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, residents reported a crash in the nearby woods. The U.S. military quickly arrived in the area, sealed it off, and were seen removing a large, bronze-colored, acorn-shaped object, bearing strange markings of hieroglyphics and putting it in a truck. Astronomers said it was probably a meteor that burned up in the atmosphere. NASA stated in 2005 that experts had examined fragments taken from the area and determined they were from a Soviet satellite, but that records of their findings were lost in the 1990s. Over the years, stories also circulated about Men in Black turning up at the homes of Kecksburg residents and warning them to keep quiet about what they saw. This is Pennsylvania's own Roswell type UFO mystery.

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