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Alejandro Mayorkas Sold 345,000 Children Sex Trafficking Abuse Of Migrant Children
The Perils of Abuse and Exploitation Threaten Migrant Children from Latin America and the Caribbean Sold As Sex Slave By Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security 345,000 Children Sex Trafficking Abuse of Migrant Children One of every five migrants in the region is a minor and there are no immigration policies that protect the rights of these children, say experts.
It is estimated that nearly 2 million children mostly girls are being sexually exploited as part of the multi-billion dollar commercial sex industry. And sadly, the United States is the number 1 consumer of child porn. This is a modern day form of slavery, involving: force, fraud, coercion, exploitation and a lot of shame. Today’s guest, Tim Ballard, is an advocate against child sex slavery. He’s the founder of Operation Underground Railroad a non-profit organization to fight against child sex slavery and sex trafficking. This episode may not be easy to listen to, but it’s easily one of the most important you’ll ever hear.
Alejandro Mayorkas Sold and is now hiding the numbers 85,000 kids missing and in the last 3 years over 12,000+ have been killed and are dead now....yes very sad and to now hide the true numbers killed for not paying the slave traders money or sold as sex slave or worked to death working 16 hours a day.
Nearly six million people in Latin America and the Caribbean have migrated within the region and approximately 25 million have migrated to the United States or Europe. One of every five migrants is estimated to be a child or adolescent who may be exposed to abuses, according to data from the Newsletter Challenges Nº 11, published today by ECLAC and UNICEF.
Child sex trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor for the purpose of a commercial sex act. Offenders of this crime, commonly referred to as pimps, target vulnerable children and gain control over them using a variety of manipulative methods. While anyone can be a victim, kids who are homeless or runaways, LGBTQ, African American or Latino, and youth interacting with the child welfare system are more vulnerable to this type of exploitation. Child sex trafficking is prohibited by 18 U.S.C. 1591, which makes it a federal offense to knowingly recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, obtain, or maintain a minor (defined as someone under 18 years of age) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the victim is a minor and would be caused to engage in a commercial sex act. Human trafficking can include forced labor, domestic servitude, organ trafficking, debt bondage, recruitment of children as child soldiers, and/or sex trafficking and forced prostitution.
* "When a child has been recruited, transported, harbored, or received and some commercial element is introduced in the production of child pornography, then that individual has also engaged in child trafficking. Whether they work in strip clubs or sweatshops, these boys and girls are victims of human trafficking."
* The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) defines “severe forms of trafficking in persons” as: sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age."
* "The economic reality is that human trafficking is driven by profits. If nobody paid for sex, sex trafficking would not exist."
Although their migration to other countries may bring some benefits, many children may also be exposed to risks like abuse, exploitation and violation of their rights, warn experts of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in the article Children and international migration in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Child trafficking victims, whether for labor, sex or organ trafficking, come from all backgrounds, include both boys and girls. They span a wide age range from 1 to 18 years old. Sex trafficking victims up to roughly 25 years old most often started as young as 14. Children are trafficked out of, or into the United States from all regions of the world and represent a variety of different races, ethnic groups and religions. They may be brought to the U.S. legally or smuggled in.
Trafficked children can be lured to the U.S. through the promise of school or work and promised the opportunity to send money back to their families. Children are also vulnerable to kidnappers, pimps, and professional brokers. Some children are even sold to traffickers by their families, who may or may not have an understanding of what will happen to the child. U.S. born children are also trafficked within the U.S., coming from any racial group, socio-economic background, and come from or trafficked within both city and rural areas.
The numbers;
Update: the (UNODC) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports the percentage of child victims had risen in a 3 year span from 20 per cent to 27 per cent. Of every three child victims, two are girls and one is a boy.
Gender and age profile of victims detected globally: 59% Women - 14% Men - 17% Girls and 10% were Boys.
600,000 to 800,000 women, children and men bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for forced labor or commercial sex (U.S. Government)
When internal trafficking victims are added to the estimates, the number of victims annually is in the range of 2 to 4 million
50% of those victims are estimated to be children
It is estimated that 76 percent of transactions for sex with underage girls start on the Internet
2 million children are subjected to prostitution in the global commercial sex trade (UNICEF)
There are 20.9 Million victims of Trafficking World wide
1.5 Million victims in the United States
The impact;
Human trafficking has surpassed the illegal sale of arms
Trafficking will surpass the illegal sale of drugs in the next few years
Drugs are used once and they are gone. Victims of child trafficking can be used and abused over and over
A $32 billion-a-year industry, human trafficking is on the rise and is in all 50 states (U.S. Government)
4.5 Million of trafficked persons are sexually exploited
Up to 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year
From 14,500 - 17,500 of those victims are trafficked into the United States each year
According to non-governmental U.S. sources;
Average age a victim enters trafficking is 11 to 14 years old
Approx 80% are women and children bought, sold and imprisoned in the underground sex service industry
Average life span of a victim is reported to be 7 years (found dead from attack, abuse, HIV and other STD's, malnutrition, overdose or suicide)
The largest group of at-risk children are runaway, thrown away, or homeless American children who use survival sex to acquire food, shelter, clothing, and other things needed to survive on America's streets. According to the National Runaway Switchboard 1.3 million runaway and homeless youth live on America's streets every day. [5,000 die each year] It would not be surprising to learn that the number of children trafficked in the United States is actually much higher than 300,000.
Children are often targeted by traffickers as they are deemed easier to manipulate than adults. More money can be earned by younger girls and boys exploited in sexual exploitation, especially virgins. Pre-pubescent girls are reported to be injected with hormones to bring on puberty. Younger girls are expected to have a greater earning potential, and as such are in greater demand.
Physical and Mental Consequences of Trafficking for victims;
Child victims of human trafficking face significant problems. Often physically and sexually abused, they have distinctive medical and psychological needs that must be addressed before advancing in the formative years of adulthood.
Child victims of exploitation can face a number of long-term health problems:
Sleeping and eating disorders
Sexually transmitted diseases
HIV/AIDS, pelvic pain, rectal trauma and urinary difficulties from working in the sex industry
Drug addiction
Chronic back, hearing, cardiovascular or respiratory problems from endless days toiling in dangerous agriculture, sweatshop or construction conditions
Fear and anxiety
Depression, mood changes
Guilt and shame
Cultural shock from finding themselves in a strange country
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Traumatic bonding with the trafficker
Demand for cheap labor and for prostituted women, girls, and boys is the primary "pull" factor. Common push and pull factors exploited by traffickers include:
Unemployment and perceived job opportunities overseas (into the U.S.)
Unhappy home situation: The victim may be in an abusive situation, their family may be in debt, or there may be an addict in the family
Relatives and friends live in the destination country
Returning migrants, legal and illegal, say they have made a better living for themselves
Sex buyers are far more complicit in the victimization of sex trafficking victims. Sex tourism and child pornography have become worldwide industries, facilitated by technologies such as the Internet, which vastly expand the choices available to pedophiles and permit instant and nearly undetectable transactions.
Trafficking Victims:
Child trafficking victims, like other child victims, come from many backgrounds and include both boys and girls across a widethumb Foster sisters range of ages.
Children are trafficked to the U.S. from all regions of the world and represent a variety of different races, ethnic groups and religions.
They may be brought to the U.S. legally or smuggled in.
Internationally trafficked children, especially adolescents, may be lured overseas to the U.S. through the promise of work or school and the opportunity to send money back to their families.
Children are also vulnerable to kidnappers, pimps, and professional brokers.
Some children are sold to traffickers by their families, who may or may not have an understanding of what will happen to the child.
U.S. citizen children may also be trafficked within the U.S., and come from multiple racial groups and socio-economic backgrounds.
Many youth, especially U.S. citizen children trafficked within the U.S., run away from problems at home and may be exploited as a result of emotional vulnerability, homelessness and the need to survive. Youth who run away from home and engage in "survival sex" often find themselves vulnerable to pimps and traffickers involved in prostitution networks. Approximately 55% of street girls, and a good percentage of boys, engage in formal prostitution and some think it is much higher than that. This means that a child client who has been homeless or living on the street for any amount of time has a great likelihood of having been sexually exploited or trafficked.thumb Street Kid
The sexual exploitation of children is not limited to particular racial, ethnic or socioeconomic groups, although children from poor families appear to be at somewhat higher risk of commercial sexual exploitation. In fact, most of the street children encountered in the study were Caucasian youths who had run away from middle-class families. One clear theme is the is proportionate number of street youth who have histories of recurrent physical or sexual abuse at home and took to the streets in a desperate effort to bring their abuse to an end.
According to these researchers, child sexual exploitation in the United States affects as many boys as girls, but boys are less well-served by social service and law enforcement systems because of the widespread belief that boys are better able than girls to fend for themselves. Without intervention, research has shown many boys shift from being victims of sexual abuse to victimizing other boys and girls as pimps and traffickers.
People are recruited in several different ways such as through fake employment agencies, acquaintances, newspaper ads, front businesses, word of mouth or abduction. Traffickers may be neighbors, friends, returnees, agricultural operators, owners of small businesses, diplomats and even families. Increasingly, however, the traffickers are organized crime syndicates, often in collaboration with corrupt law enforcement entities, government officials or employers, who may use several intermediaries from the first point of contact to the final destination of the victim. If the victim is transported, they use both legal and illegal means of transport and various techniques to keep their victim enslaved.
They may keep them under lock and key or in isolation from the public and from their family members or support networks, confiscate their passports or identification documents, use the threat of violence against the enslaved person or their families, threaten them with shame, fear of imprisonment or deportation, and control their money.
The psychological effects of torture are helplessness, shame and humiliation, shock, denial and disbelief, disorientation and confusion, and anxiety disorders including post traumatic stress disorder, phobias, panic attacks and depression. Victims may experience Traumatic Bonding (Stockholm Syndrome) – a form of coercive control in which the perpetrator instills in the victim fear as well as gratitude for being allowed to live or for any other perceived favors, however small.
Rut Feuk, Nadine Perrault and Enrique Delamónica state that millions of minors are suffering severe constraints to their human rights due to the migration status of their parents.
The authors explain that migration affects children in different ways throughout their life cycle, by migrating with their parents or alone or being left behind by one or both of their migrating parents. However, the impact of this migration on children should be examined in the broader context of the poverty and inequality between and within countries.
The study notes that restrictive migration policies, xenophobia, discrimination and human trafficking are some of the main perils migrants face, especially if they are illegal migrants.
On the positive side, the research indicates that children who migrate with their parents or those who receive financial assistance through remittances may have better opportunities of development in terms of education, health and psycho-social adaptation. Remittances can also help reduce child labour.
The study asserts that the main challenges pending for the governments in the region on this issue are: enacting migration policies that protect children's rights, especially of those migrating under irregular conditions, and ensure the economic, social and cultural rights of children; access to the right to an identity at the time of birth; and avoiding the detention of migrant children and adolescents due to their illegal entry to a country.
Lastly, the authors suggest recommendations to protect the rights of migrant children and adolescents and foment the positive effects of migration. They include avoiding taxes on remittances and implementing measures to facilitate transactions; exploring alternatives of international cooperation to enforce the economic obligations of separated or divorced parents with their children, even if they live in different countries; and amend national legislation to include measures and policies to protect the social, economic and cultural rights of migrant children, among others.
DHS pushes back on claims of 345,000 migrant children sex abuse and sex slaves for the rich people in USA The Department of Homeland Security is going on the offense amid growing criticism of how it has neglected tens of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children at the border.
The DHS published a fact sheet on its website Wednesday evening highlighting the departmentwide work its federal law enforcement officers and agents have done over the past year to rescue child sex abuse victims and to prosecute adult offenders.
“DHS is dedicated to battling child exploitation and abuse from every angle: identifying and rescuing victims, protecting and supporting victims and survivors, locating and apprehending perpetrators, and raising awareness through public education and outreach,” the department wrote in a statement.
However, Republicans are increasingly concerned about how the government has handled the 350,000 unaccompanied minors who crossed the border and were released into the United States under President Joe Biden's watch. Children are first encountered by Border Patrol agents and then turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), where the government will search for a relative, family friend, or another adult to release the child to.
In that time, the federal government lost track of 85,000 immigrant children after their release, only to be found in forced labor and sex work, according to an April report by the New York Times.
More than 75 other House lawmakers demanded transparency from the Biden administration in a letter sent to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Wednesday, accusing them of knowingly and recklessly discharging unaccompanied children to adults across the country.
Without mentioning the New York Times report, DHS said its agencies, including the Secret Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations, and the Science and Technology Directorate, identified or rescued 1,170 child victims of exploitation and abuse.
Federal investigators arrested 4,459 people for crimes of producing, distributing, or receiving child abuse material on both the dark web and clear web. Roughly half of those arrested were eventually convicted.
Through polygraph testing of online offenders, Secret Service officers uncovered more than 1,400 sexual assaults and 90 victims of sexual abuse, according to DHS.
The only mention of unaccompanied children by the department was about Customs and Border Protection's general screening of migrant children for signs of being abused or exploited, trafficked, or enslaved in other ways.
Robert Carey oversaw ORR at the end of the Obama administration and testified in a House hearing last month that migrant children were in hostile situations after being released into the U.S.
"Unaccompanied children are vulnerable, and the newest investigations demonstrate that some have been exploited by employers, often laboring for staffing agencies or contractors performing work for prominent U.S. companies and brands," Carey said in his opening statement.
Documents from an office in the Department of Health and Human Services reveal 33 instances of sexual abuse against unaccompanied illegal immigrant children stopped at the US border, according to a report.
The documents obtained from the Office of Refugee Resettlement show the sexual abuse happened between Jan. 21 and Feb. 25, right after President Biden took office and began reversing or ending many of his predecessor’s immigration policies.
The minors were in the care of agencies contracted with the US government.
Fox News obtained the 41 pages of documents from watchdog group Judicial Watch, which sued HHS through the Freedom of Information Act.
“These documents show that not only are there shocking reports of sexual abuse occurring in shelters for unaccompanied children, but that there is violence among the UACs themselves,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a statement to Fox News.
“It is no surprise that Biden administration’s enabling of human trafficking has resulted in violence and the abuse of children,” he said.
Of the 33 instances, 10 involved both “staff” and “non-staff” sexually abusing the children, 21 of the cases happened between minors and two reports were filed between a child and “other.” The identities of the alleged victims and attackers were not divulged, nor were the incident reports of the abuse.
The documents also show that an unaccompanied illegal immigrant reported that a 17-year-old boy from Guatemala had been physically assaulted by his roommate at the Baptist Children and Family Services shelter in Baytown, Texas.
The alleged victim did not talk about the attack with shelter officials and was moved from the room. The incident also was not reported to Child Protective Services or local police.
Children on the move, smuggling and trafficking
All smuggling of children, and a significant proportion of child trafficking, occurs in the context of child migration. Children, including those who are alone and those accompanied by family members, comprise an increasing percentage of irregular migrants globally. While cross-border movements of children are difficult to measure, data from numerous organizations and governments illustrates the scale of the issue. Statistics by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) show that more than half the world's refugees are children (2016). Compiling data from different regions, UNICEF (2017) - the United Nations Children's Fund - states, for example, 100,000 unaccompanied and separated children were apprehended at the United States-Mexico border and 170,000 such children applied for asylum in Europe.
Like flows of all irregular migrants, flows of child migrants are mixed. Some are asylum seekers and refugees while others are seeking economic and social opportunities. Some are victims of trafficking and other crimes, while others are smuggled migrants. Some are unaccompanied or separated from their families, while others travel with them. Not all these categories are exclusive; in many cases they may overlap. One child may be a smuggled migrant and a victim of trafficking (see Module 11 for the overlap between smuggling and trafficking), and that same child may also be seeking asylum. Some of these categories accrue specific protection under international and domestic laws, additional to those granted to children on account of childhood itself. For example, refugees have a right against refoulement, while States are obliged to afford victims of trafficking various assistance measures (see Module 8). International principles relevant to the protection of children are examined in this Module's section 'Protecting Smuggled and Trafficked Children: The International Legal Framework'.
Notwithstanding the categories, legal or not, that they fall into, all children are vulnerable to the dangers and risks of the migration process. Their particular vulnerabilities vary depending on their personal characteristics and circumstances, their reasons for leaving their countries of origin, and the conditions they encounter during migration. Where, inter alia, children are female, unaccompanied, particularly young, have experienced abuse or have mental illnesses or disabilities, they may be more vulnerable (UNICEF 2017). Children's frequent lack of financial resources and access to social networks also increases their vulnerability. They are more easily placed in situations of danger by smugglers and are more susceptible to exploitation and forced participation in criminal activities (Sanchez 2017, pp. 16-17; Dimitriadi 2017, p. 43). It should be noted, however, that their vulnerability is not inherent; it is created through structural and social dynamics of inequality and discrimination that manifests in "diminished and unequal levels of power and enjoyment of rights" (UN General Assembly 2018, para 14). Just as children have differing levels of vulnerability, so do they have varying degrees of agency, both in making migratory decisions and during the migration process itself. Children are not a homogenous group, nor are they passive; children express agency and have aspirations, just as adults do (Bhabha 2014, p. 9).
Due to the varying vulnerability, needs and agency of children, States' legal frameworks and child protection systems must provide mechanisms to identify the status and protection needs and rights of individual children, provide access to additional systems where necessary (such as asylum procedures and services for victims of trafficking), and tailor solutions to children's best interests. How children should be protected in practice is examined further in this Module's section on Protection in Practice.
Smuggling of children
As described in Module, migrants who wish to migrate, but cannot access legal avenues of migration, often engage the illicit services of migrant smugglers. Smugglers, who may be part of organized criminal groups, satisfy the demand created by these migrants to generate profit. Generally speaking, where legal channels are non-existent, limited, inefficient, or overly expensive, children (or those in charge of their migration) who wish to leave their countries of origin, may view the services of migrant smugglers as their best or only viable option. Migrant smuggling proliferates with the implementation of restrictive migration policies and becomes increasingly lucrative as migration controls evolve (Zhang, Sanchez and Achilli 2018, pp. 10, 13). Smugglers can help children plan their journeys, leave their countries of origin, traverse geographic obstacles and the borders of transit countries, and reach destinations otherwise closed to them (Koser 2010; Gallagher 2015).
The true scale of smuggling of children is not known. As is the case with smuggling generally, accurate statistics are generally scarce or, in many cases, non-existent (see Baird 2013, who states that there is "very little" research on children as smuggled migrants). Due to the often clandestine nature of smuggling, many smuggled children are undetected. Furthermore, many States do not collect data on smuggling of migrants and even less disaggregate data for smuggling of children (see Baird and van Liempt 2016). Nonetheless, even in the absence of reliable statistics, it seems clear that significant numbers of children engage the services of smugglers. Europol (2016, p. 2) estimates that 90% of all irregular migrants entering Europe are smuggled, while there are estimates that between 80 and 95% of migrants apprehended on the United States-Mexico border are smuggled. UNODC (2018) notes that there are increasing numbers of 'unaccompanied and separated children among smuggled migrants on some routes', an observation made by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) (2016). Anecdotally, reports of children on smuggling vessels, interacting with smugglers, and suffering death and abuse during smuggling journeys have grown exponentially in recent years.
Not all smuggling journeys involve abuse or exploitation. In many cases, facilitation of irregular migration for a profit, while a crime, does not expose migrants to threats to their life and safety. Nonetheless, the smuggling process can pose numerous and serious risks to the lives, safety and well-being of children, beyond those affecting adult migrants. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants (2009, para 23) has stressed that 'children who are unaccompanied or separated from their parents are particularly vulnerable to human rights violations and abuses at all stages of the migration process'. Instances and examples of abuse and exploitation of children, including those unaccompanied, are well-documented. Reports by Human Rights Watch, UNICEF and REACH among others, have detailed kidnappings, ransoming, extortion, sexual and gender-based violence, rape and forced pregnancy, physical abuse, debt bondage, slavery and torture of children during smuggling journeys. As noted in Module 11, smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons often exist along a continuum (see McAdam 2015). This is no less the case in the context of children.
A Deadly Journey for Children
In 2017, UNICEF published a report into the children travelling through Africa towards Italy. The report observed that "[c]hildren and women making the journey are forced to live in the shadows, unprotected, reliant on smugglers and preyed upon by traffickers" (p. 5). In a section of the report on smugglers, it states:
"When asked whether they paid anyone to help them migrate, nearly all the children surveyed indicated they had paid smugglers. Smugglers charged the women and children between US$200 and $1,200 each for the journey, though it was unclear whether the children had made the payment themselves.
In addition, about three quarters of the children reported that someone else helped them along the journey. Almost all those who had received additional assistance got it from family, neighbours or other relatives. Several children also reported that police or other government officials helped them at some point on the journey.
Almost all the women interviewed indicated they had paid a smuggler at the beginning of their journey to reach Libya, after which it was expected they would have to work in transit to raise necessary funds to make the next leg of the journey to Europe.
In addition, the women and children reported that they needed additional funds to cover supplies on the journey including food and other basic needs. Nearly 75 per cent of participants borrowed on average US$650 from family, friends or neighbours to cover these costs.
Some interviewees reported abusive treatment by smugglers and said they were always fearful when moved from one location to another, then handed off to a different smuggler they did not know.
Militias also control or exploit 'connection houses' where migrants are transferred between smugglers. Smugglers have also been known to take migrants from detention centres to these connection houses where they are often forced to work for an undetermined period based on the smugglers' demands".
Trafficking in children
As observed by the 2018 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons (p. 13), "[t]he trafficking of children - particularly girls - remains a key concern". Like smuggling of children, the true scale of trafficking in children is not known. Nonetheless, the proportion of victims of trafficking who are children is substantial: 30 per cent of detected victims are children. Figures do, however, vary between regions. For example, over 50 per cent of detected victims in Italy and Mali are children, while in North America and Indonesia this falls to below 30 per cent (it should be noted that the comparability of data between countries is not exact; there are variances in detection and data collection practices).
Children on the move are especially vulnerable to being placed in situations of trafficking. This is particularly the case when children are travelling without a parent or legal guardian, even if they are in the company of other migrants. They may be extorted for smuggling fees, forced to work to pay off debts in transit countries, and may be sexually and physically harassed, abused or exploited. Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation is particularly common, though children may also be forced to work in various sectors such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing or by begging (ILO, UNICEF and UNGIFT 2009, pp. 28-29). Children may be put into situations of forced labour while in transit or in destination countries. "This is evident in cases where migrants are placed into debt-bondage in order to pay smuggling-related debts. In such cases they may spend months or years working in exploitative conditions in transit and destination countries" (Schloenardt and Lelliott 2018, pp. 116-117).
Of course, this is not to say that children are exclusively trafficked in the context of migration. The crime of trafficking, in line with the definition under article 3 of the Protocol against Trafficking in Persons (see Module 6), does not require an element of transnationality. A child can be trafficked in his or her home State, even in his or her own village. Indeed, the 2018 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons notes that most victims are detected within the borders of their own country. It is unclear whether this reflects the true numbers and patterns of trafficking (recognizing the likelihood that most victims of trafficking go undetected).
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In the United States, child labor laws are regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which prohibits the employment of minors in non-agricultural occupations under the age of 14, restricts the hours and types of work that can be performed by minors under 16, and prohibits the employment of minors under the age of 18 in any hazardous occupation. Almost all minors under the age of 18 are subject to California's child labor protections, and dropouts are subject to all state child labor law requirements. The FLSA also establishes a minimum wage, overtime pay, and recordkeeping for part- and full-time child laborers on wages, hours, and other regular business practices.
Shocking Report Links Girl Scout Cookies to Child Sex Trafficking and Slave Labor A shocking investigation by the Associated Press into child labor has revealed unsettling details about an ingredient in Girl Scout cookies and it its ties to child slave labor and sex trafficking. Palm oil. The $65 billion global palm oil industry is one of the largest food industries in the world and it is rooted in corruption and child abuse.
The AP’s report focused on two children, Ima and Olivia. Olivia is a Girl Scout in Tennessee who became worried about the ingredient in the cookies she was selling and its ties to child slave labor. Ima is a child slave.
As the AP reports:
Ima is among the estimated tens of thousands of children working alongside their parents in Indonesia and Malaysia, which supply 85% of the world’s most consumed vegetable oil. An Associated Press investigation found most earn little or no pay and are routinely exposed to toxic chemicals and other dangerous conditions. Some never go to school or learn to read and write. Others are smuggled across borders and left vulnerable to trafficking or sexual abuse. Many live in limbo with no citizenship and fear being swept up in police raids and thrown into detention.
The AP used U.S. Customs records and the most recently published data from producers, traders and buyers to trace the fruits of their labor from the processing mills where palm kernels were crushed to the supply chains of many popular kids’ cereals, candies and ice creams sold by Nestle, Unilever, Kellogg’s, PepsiCo and many other leading food companies, including Ferrero – one of the two makers of Girl Scout cookies.
“I am dreaming one day I can go back to school,” Ima told the AP, tears rolling down her cheeks.
According to the report, palm oil is contained in roughly half the products on supermarket shelves and in almost three out of every four cosmetic brands, though that can be hard to discern since it appears on labels under more than 200 different names.
Due to the unscrupulous means of production, companies attempt to conceal the source of their ingredients. Some say “sustainably produced” like the Girl Scout cookies, but as Olivia found, they also say “mixed.” The “mixed” designation on Girl Scout cookies means that some of the palm oil is sourced from child slaves.
“For 100 years, families have been stuck in a cycle of poverty and they know nothing else than work on a palm oil plantation,” said Kartika Manurung, who has published reports detailing labor issues on Indonesian plantations. “When I … ask the kids what they want to be when they grow up, some of the girls say, ‘I want to be the wife of a palm oil worker.’”
To be clear, some of these are children helping out in their family businesses attempting to pull themselves out of poverty — though an entire family may earn less in a day than a $5 box of Girl Scout Do-si-dos.
However, in other instances, these children are forced into labor camps and literally worked to death, sold into sex slavery, raped and abused.
The AP’s investigation into child labor is part of a broader in-depth look at the industry that also exposed rape, forced labor, trafficking and slavery.
According to the report, inside the palm oil industry, more than 33,000 children work there, many under hazardous conditions – with nearly half of them between the ages of 5 and 11.
“I thought Girl Scouts was supposed to be about making the world a better place,” Olivia said. “But this isn’t at all making the world better.”
Indeed, many of these American based companies like Kellogg’s, Nestle, Pepsi and Unilever, have used slave labor — many of them willingly — and have faced very little backlash or consequence from the US government.
While the Free Thought Project often reports on the megacorp Nestle and their rampant abuse and exploitation of drinking water supplies across the nation, few are aware that the company has been found using slave labor. What’s more, as governments across the world attempt to crack down the use of slave labor by requiring companies to report on its use, Nestle is fighting it, saying that it will end up costing consumers at the register.
In 2018, Nestle issued a warning against proposed legislation that would require them to report on their efforts to weed out slavery within their company. The company says the cost of checking to see if they are forcing people to work against their will end up being passed on to the consumer.
The best way to stop Nestle and other companies from using slave labor in their production lines is to stop buying their products. Below is a list of some of their popular brands and products to help you understand just how far their reach goes. And this is just one of the many companies involved.
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