Unsustainable: The UN's Agenda for World Domination (2020) -- James Jaeger

1 year ago

Written and Directed by James Jaeger.

The global elite through the United Nations have an Agenda to bring in a New One World Order. They have infiltrated cabinets of all the governments of the world with the goal of removing human rights and creating a prison system. They are waging war against property rights, firearm rights and capitalism – free enterprise in attempt to trap the human race to accept the offer of a One World Order based of of Fascism and Marxism.

The Agendas are labeled Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. They are now expediting the agendas as more and more begin to wake up and realize these agendas are to remove sovereignty and to remove human rights.

This order of course is to both “protect us” and to “protect the environment.” Both are lies.

They create problems and they offer solutions. They created the Covid Virus and they offered the Solution – the Jabs. But the solution is NEVER the solution that benefits the masses. NEVER. In this particular case the jabs are an evil agenda dealing with Transhumanism and Depopulation.

Their plan is World Dominance. It is not a conspiracy theory, it is conspiracy reality.

The word “Conspiracy Theory” is a phrase used to deter the population from any assumption of fact.

The UN and the CFR is behind all of this. They have a set of goals/objectives called Sustainable Development Goals. Within this framework is Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.

They want to re-distribute wealth, to insure EVERYONE is in the Poor House.

They will use Fear Antics in attempt to make everyone believe it is our actions that are destroying the environment and we must consent to their Agenda Sustainable Development Goals.
Development, refers to Real Estate Development and it is the Elite that will own it and Sustain it. That is the real TRICKERY of this UN Agenda Scam. It is to take all liberties away.

They want everyone else to work for them and be their slaves. They are planning on taking away land / property rights and rights to bear arms. These are the two most important rights that humans can have. If you take these away, we will be in prison and complete be vulnerable to whatever it is they want.

We will lose our sovereignty and independence.

They select these complete idiots like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to propose their lunaitic, tyrannical goals so it can be written in the laws.

COG -- Council of Governments - they are putting these EVERYWHERE with the purpose to control elections and make them selections and also to push their Agenda objectives.

Nothing is what it seems to be on the visible outside. They ACT like they care for us, when they are trying to sterilize the young and kill the elderly.

Watch all of this and especially the part about how they plan on taking the land in very sneaky, cunning, sly ways by using wild lands projects, trusts, easements, insurance plots, heritage contracts and water monitoring. Just a warning, know what is in the fine details when you accept any funds from the government.

Eminent Domain -- they are going after the private property. There will be no such thing in the future if people don't wake up to all the conniving, crafty shit they are doing.

We are dealing with Evil.

AGENDA 21 – The Original Plan of 1992 – PDF -- https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf

Achieving the UN Agenda 2030: Overall actions for the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals before and after the 2030 deadline -- https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2022/702576/EXPO_IDA(2022)702576_EN.pdf

Agenda 21 - The Dark Underbelly of Sustainable Development > Sustainable development has been the catchphrase of the environmental movement for over 20 years and rarely are underlying motives questioned. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_agenda21_01.htm

Video Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11873410/

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