SPIRIT world spiritualism (AI) deep programmed souls [NON PHYSICAL IS FAKE HIGH (AI)]

9 months ago


[note] she tells correct type informantion also yeshua was tell correct even yeshua message been manipulated on all bible translations to sound different for mislead earth surface population, computer versions AI is mimic copy original non physical Artificial Intelligence also ALL INTELS IS BEEN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE INTELS not real but information level aka low frequency how patriots lightworkers not been know experience directly good better best aka high frequency, ALL LEVELS AI TURNED OFF SOON for full life evacuation.

"Alien Parasites are what the Gnostics call 'Archons.'"

"The Fall of Atlantis and Rise of the Archons: Uncovering Ancient Wisdom, The rise of the archons and their manipulation of humanity has led to the distortion of our true identity and the loss of ancient wisdom, ultimately leading to a dark and corrupt reality. Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge. The discussion of the archons and the approach and information of the archons from an emerald tablet's point of view is intriguing and thought-provoking. According to Plato, the subcontinent of Atlantis existed 9,000 years before him, west of the pillars of Hercules, and was the conscious mindset contained within the people. The discovery of the emerald tablets in Teotihuacan, Mexico, connects back to the ancient idea of living a life focused on higher knowledge and the purpose of humanity, which got led astray. The correlation between serpent knowledge and the coiled kundalini energy within us can be traced back to ancient Indian religions, unlocking the true potential of who we are. The idea of breaking free from the bondage of earth and seeking wisdom far beyond the knowledge of infinite man is a thought-provoking concept. Thoth created advanced cultures and empires in Egypt and the Americas that followed the Atlantean serpent wisdom, connecting back to the sacred pyramid design and the stars.
Influence and Control of the Archons. The archons have inverted many symbols and concepts that connect back to our true identity, leading to a distorted perception of who we really are. The rise of the archons marked the beginning of a great era of darkness upon the earth and mankind for thousands of years. The corrupting factor of always wanting more power and being jealous of others led to the collaboration with archon beings, ultimately making the gods puppets for their own secret agenda. The book of Enoch identifies dark beings as the archons, revealing their name and their parasitic nature in exchange for power. The false perception of reality, known as the matrix, has enslaved humanity and poisoned our minds off of the truth of Atlantean wisdom. The archons are not simply a remnant of the past, but have shaped our timeline and control us. Dark Magic and Corruption. The rise of the archons is intertwined with the fall of Atlantis and the practices of dark magic that may connect to a portal to lower dimensions. Thoth reveals the dark magic practiced by some gods and men as the reason for the destruction of Atlantis and the loss of serpent knowledge. The sinister truth behind some of our past presidents and world leaders attending mock blood rituals is a controversial and dark revelation."

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