How to poach a perfect egg using a microwave in 60 seconds

11 months ago

Caution, some microwaves can have hot spots that may cause the egg to explode. Use lower wattage first to be sure. For me this works perfectly every time. This is a non traditional technique for poaching an egg when you’re in a hurry. I can poach two eggs using this method faster than the bread takes to toast. Because it cooks using the microwaves plus the heated water, there’s a two way cooking process. So it’s fast! If your eggs are fresh, you’ll find it works amazingly. If you’re eggs are old, you will get mixed results, so always use the freshest eggs possible. Microwaves have different wattage strengths, therefore it may take a little less or a little longer. Experiment, turn off and check after 45 seconds, then continue so you don’t over cook it. You can also use two eggs in a larger bowl, I find cups easy. Half a cup of water per cup does the trick. Enjoy perfect poached eggs.

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