CivitAI.Com Go Fuck Yourself!

1 year ago

CivitAI.Com - Go Fuck Yourself! - Wants to cancel Talk About News because we are trying to use AI Art for journalism instead of jacking off to Japanese Anime or AI pornography!

CivitAI.Com - unpublished three models created by Talk About News that was designed to help journalists create more relevant images for use in their stories about homelessness, murder, drug abuse, war, and prostitution in America.

The AI Art and Artificial Intelligence company decided that canceling culture and publishing very successful AI Art Models that were being downloaded hundreds of times was too much of a reality for them to tolerate and removed them from their platform!

This is trending news and should be watched by anyone interested in free speech in America and worldwide.

AI, artificial intelligence, chatgpt, bard, LLM, Tensor.Art, NightCafe, AI Art generators, artists, machine learning, talk about news, Severance LTD, Craig Severance, journalism, video news stories, trending news

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