The Jews Are NOT the Problem. The Roman Catholic Jesuits ARE the Problem.

9 months ago

Alberto Rivera Testimony: Ex Jesuit Priest exposes The Vatican, The Pope, and Papal Supremacy.

Many devout Catholics claim this man was a fraud, but listen to his colossal knowledge/intellect on the Papacy and Papal Supremacy. Use your discernment, judge the PASSION in his voice the whole time he speaks with 100% conviction.

He broke the Jesuit Oath that he swore in blood to uphold until death, to become a Born Again child of our Lord Jesus Christ, proclaiming The true Gospel, and exposing Catholicism for what it is behind it's veil. He lost his physical life because of it.

- Catholics are commanded to address The Pope as "His Holiness.".
- Catholic doctrine literally declares that The Pope takes the place of the Holy Spirit...

The Apostle Paul knew the Pope was the Anti-Christ when he wrote 2 Thessalonians:

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
- King James Version -
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Look at the definition of the word, "Vicar." The Vicar of Christ? I think not. Vicar in Latin means "instead of" or "replacement of."

The 3 part video series below will virtually blow your mind. If it doesn't change your worldview, you're not being honest with yourself.

Prescott Bush, the patriarch of both Bush Presidents; was a Nazi. He was a part of the Skull and Bones Society which in turn was a branch of the Roman Catholic Jesuits. The Jesuits at the behest of the Black Pope and the papacy, financed Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich's war against Europe and the intent of the extermination of the Jews.

Be sure to also read the narrative below the videos on these channels.

One World Religion and the Death of Protestantism: Part 1

One World Religion and the Death of Protestantism: Part 2

One World Religion and the Death of Protestantism: Part 3

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