The Black Swan Event of 2024 – What or Who Could It Be

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Loosely defined, black swan event is an event that happens that nobody saw coming after which it is finished people see that the event was difficult to see in the periphery but is clear when seen spot on. There are so many bad events happening right now that we hear about in the news and are clear to see. Ukraine’s war and Israels war probably are not the black swan event because it has escalated to the point where nuclear weapons have been mentioned by both sides. If it happens, we saw it coming. We know that Iran isn’t part of this event because Iran has made it clear what their intent is. Most Arab countries have vowed to wipe Israel off the map, so it probably won’t involve them. So, what could the black swan event of 2024 be and are there remote hints of it coming? We’ll look at these things this Thursday on Opposing the Matrix. The show starts at 5:00PM Pacific time on Rumble and Twitch.

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