Training with me in 2024; Health Masterclasses; Kinesiology - from self to home to clinical practice

9 months ago

• Health is Wealth Group $120 / year (cheap as chips! Want some deep dives into some cool health stuff?) 12 sessions – so good 😊

• Kinesiology for Meditation Group $222 / 12 per year: This is live kinesi/ meditation groups. Listen / watch / follow along with our online group.

• Kinesiology Balancing for the Home $600 / 8 months; online coaching; quick simple tools to use; add to your skills with bitesize learnings. 8 hours of training. All recorded and accessible forever!
• Combo of the above 3 offers: only $88 / month for 12 months
• Kinesiology Foundations – 7 weeks training including past video recordings and a live zoom each week $1,200 Huge amount of awesome information – next round February 2024. Pre-pay and get all previous video training NOW!!!

• Combo of the above 4 offers – learn, experience, play, practice, have oodles of fun! $199 / month for 12 months

• Practitioner Excellence – enhance your clinic, the lives of your clients, get results with my favourite techniques – this is 15 months of coaching with me – once per week (excluding my holidays of course! 😊) Massive value – techniques which work – proven, awesome energy & balances! This is huge – Prerecorded training each week and integration once per week – minimum of 56 sessions over 15 month

• All recorded & available to Excellence Members

• A couple of affiliate products which are awesome in their own rights – Redox Signalling Molecules; Cerule Stem Enhance & Marine Collagen; Fully Purified Zeolites & AO Scan Bioresonance & Terrahertz Wands for the home – contact me for details.
• All training is recorded and uploaded! You’ll have them forever (technology challenges notwithstanding – that’s my plan!!) and watch at your convenience – anywhere around the world.

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