NIGHT SHADOWS 12272023 -- The Rich Men are Running the Last Mile Naked. How will the World Respond?

1 year ago

The year 2024 is now coming upon us, and most of the "predictions" are not at all for a happy New Year - but who knows for sure? It appears that many a secret will be revealed as the Lord said that He would unlock the secrets of the Rich Men and would reveal in much more detail what they are about. It would appear they have to run the last mile of their plans in the open, and the question is how the masses of the world will react to it. Then we have an angry Sun, and lots of radiation and "unknown energies from space" that are already impacting our minds and bodies. These radiation events are only the beginning and are most likely related to the growing "insanity" of humanity, as everything is being turned upside down, good is evil, evil is good and so on. Then we have more news from Larry about a secret letter and so on...
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