A Once in a Life Time Night in Beverly Hills

1 year ago

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01:05 how do I know that the Torah is from God?
03:02 the "incredible" Qran
06:04 Ishmael = God's punishment
09:19 Ben Gurion LET 1M JEWS TO BE GASSED
14:28 why adminre the secular Jew who refuses brit mila?
15:52 the traditional fakers
The Indisputable Truth - Compelling Evidence for the:
- Existence of God,
- Divinity of the Torah,
- Purpose of Life
22:17 the Rabbi's LONDON STORY - must listen!
29:20 say Ament to all the curses
34:03 Torah and Science, The Film by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi
36:09 the foolish claim of christianity
38:08 the foolish claim of islam
39:45 how lawyers create "reasonable doubt"
45:44 why did Yitzchak look exactly like Avraham?
46:27 Gemara: twisting the facts to suit your agenda
46:53 the excuse for pretty goyot
52:23 your SUBCONSCIOUS DICTATES your choices
57:09 cause of ANXIETY ATTACKS
1:00:51 righties never demonstrate to cancel a lefty's lecture
1:02:01 Chinese, Arabs worry about the soul of their children
1:03:48 half naked women in Jewish wedding
1:04:37 Hamas wedding massacre, Saudi beach mined
1:06:42 what does God think about you?
1:11:57 idolworship with fecal matter
1:15:29 reality and fiction is the same for the brain
1:17:53 what's wrong with today's generation?
1:20:19 when you ignore the rules of the Creator
1:20:30 the purity of chassidim
1:23:43 Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy's secrets
1:26:20 hypnotised people
1:29:36 hypnotised woman described the thiefs
1:33:37 LIFE AFTER DEATH by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi
1:33:46 traumatised woman who couldn't stop eating
1:35:24 expectations or the audience vs Torah values
1:38:59 your wife christina, your son john
1:44:44 judging righteous and the wicked
1:47:48 CAPTURED BABY (tinok shenishba)
1:51:05 common sense is against gays
1:53:15 justifying a wicked desire
1:53:49 Rashi re WHO IS NOT a tinok shenishba:
i) the world has a Creator
ii) there is a Book of God called Torah
iii) there is a day called Shabbat
1:56:03 the ATHEIST is the BEST BELIEVER
Moshiach and the Resurrection of the Dead 2015
Moshiach - Resurrection of the Dead 2014
this year is 5784. Moshiach must come 200 years before the year 6,000. Zachari 14 describes the end of days, 2/3 of the world will die, etc.
2:07:59 peaceful way vs horrible way to get Moshiach
2:13:48 parsha Behukotai describes the war in Israel
2:15:05 gentiles, muslims, and arab-lovers
2:18:30 who are the biggest opposers of the Rabbi?

A Once in a Life Time Night in Beverly Hills

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