Were There Times When You Didn't Like The Sound Of Your Own Voice? Ken Tamplin And Gabbi Gun

1 year ago

In this video, we reveal some of the main things that hold back most singers from achieving their full potential.

Most people believe that singers are born with a natural gift, and us other mere mortals are just subject to our croaky, froggy, out-of-tune voices.

And while this could be true, to a large extent singing can definitely be learned!

I personally started out as a guitar player, with very little singing experience, and spent a bloody fortune with some of the world's greatest vocal coaches to learn and understand that my voice is a muscle (actually a group of muscles), and could be trained as such, just like any athlete.

The irony is that even people that are "born with the gift" oftentimes don't like the sound of their own voice. And most didn't like the sound of their voice when they first started out.

I explore this interesting subject with one of my prize students, Gabriela Guncikova, to get her to weigh in on this important subject.

If you've ever wanted to learn to sing or if you're dissatisfied with the sound of your voice, I think this information will be beneficial for you.

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy – Where The PROOF Is In The Singing!

You can follow Gabriela here:
Website: http://gabrielaguncikova.com/ ⚠ Link hidden Learn more
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabrielagun...

Learn To Sing Like This! Click Here Now: https://KenTamplinVocalAcademy.com/

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How To Sing: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/si...

How To Sing Higher: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/ho...

What Is My Vocal Range and Voice Type: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/ho...

How To Get Over Stage Fright and Fear of Singing Publicly: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/ho...

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Oh, yeah! And here's some news some of you may be interested in:
Some Fun Nostalgia For You.
My Old Shout Records Have Been Remastered.
For Anyone Interested: You Can Find Them Here:
#soundofyourvoice #whatyoureallysoundlike #gabrielaguncikova #interview

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