The Revenge of the Trumpinator!

1 year ago

Genius political cartoonists Pat Bagley, Kal and Pulitzer winner, Steve Sack show their cartoons about Trump's presidency, his relationship with the Republican Party, and his impact on democracy in Episode #.27 of @caglecast

The cartoonists use humor, satire and fantastic art to highlight the absurdity and corruption of the Trump administration. They also touch on the challenges of being an editorial cartoonist in the digital age and the changing landscape of the newspaper industry. The conversation provides insight into the power of political cartoons to capture and comment on current events.

Trump's presidency, his relationship with the Republican Party, and his impact on democracy. The cartoonists focus on the absurdity and corruption of the Trump administration. They discuss the challenges of being an editorial cartoonist in the digital age and the changing landscape of the newspaper industry. This podcast is a celebration of three, great, editorial cartoonists.

00:00:00 Introduction to the CagleCast and the three brilliant cartoonists.
00:00:48 Discussion about Steve Sack's cartoon with Trump and the butt-kissing elephants.
00:01:45 Discussion about Pat Bagley's cartoon with Trump climbing out of the sewer.
00:02:10 Introduction of KAL and discussion about his cartoon with Trump as Godzilla.
00:03:18 Steve Sack's favorite Trump cartoons.
00:03:25 Steve Sack's cartoon with the Trump nuclear mushroom cloud.
00:04:14 Steve Sack's cartoon with Lindsey Graham as a presidential seal.
00:04:43 Steve Sack's cartoon with Trump as a lava lamp.
00:05:24 Steve Sack's cartoon with Trump in America locker room.
00:06:03 Steve Sack's cartoon with Trump playing with Legos.
00:08:05 QAnon shaman in jail and Trump crossing out days.
00:08:39 Trump's cartoony elements: tie, yellow hair, puffer fish lips.
00:09:16 Trump's personality focused on victimhood.
00:10:20 Populism amplified by social media and television.
00:10:58 Trump compared to historical figures, best president since Lincoln.
00:11:59 Trump's return after Republicans turned against him.
00:13:54 Trump's obsession with flushing toilets and low flow toilets.
00:14:34 Trump University cartoon with cheat and grab the junk machine.
00:15:18 Republicans in their natural habitat, picking and giving money.
00:16:04 Trump replacing "We the People" with "ME" in Constitution.
00:16:18 Trump's lawyers argue he doesn't have to defend the Constitution
00:17:29 Danger of Republicans believing the election was stolen
00:19:17 Frustration with editors not printing cartoons critical of Fox News
00:20:45 Editorial cartoons becoming less controversial and more timid
00:21:24 Immigration as a strength, not a problem
00:23:02 Immigration issue used for political gain
00:24:21 Republicans don't want to solve the immigration problem
00:24:29 Opposition to immigration driving election results in Europe
00:25:01 Trump's impact on the environment and global warming
00:25:45 Compliment on the creativity of a Christmas cartoon
00:25:45 Kal loves a simple and creative cartoon.
00:26:18 The Republican playbook and Hunter Biden cartoons.
00:27:45 Trump's followers would still vote for him even if he shot someone.
00:28:24 Cartoons with blood not popular with editors.
00:29:20 Differences between print and online cartoons.
00:30:38 Demographics of newspaper readers and online viewers.
00:31:59 Cartoonists draw what they want despite editors' preferences.
00:32:46 Cultural sensitivity in cartoons.
00:33:39 Irony has lost its meaning.
00:34:12 Trump and library don't go together.
00:34:26 Trump's lack of interest in meeting veterans and soldiers.
00:35:04 Discussion on the composition and humor of a cartoon.
00:36:03 Kal's cartoon of Dr. Fauci recommending lockdown and quarantine.
00:36:26 Crowd scenes and the challenges of drawing them.
00:37:01 People suggesting complex cartoon ideas with no regard for laziness.
00:37:30 Appreciation for the simplicity and complexity of cartoons.
00:38:18 Kal's watercolor in his cartoons.
00:38:49 Trump and his supporters in straight jackets.
00:39:28 The use of Trump's red tie as a symbol in cartoons.
00:40:41 Cartoons depicting the threat to democracy by Trump and Republicans.
00:43:00 The Charlottesville event and its depiction in a cartoon
00:43:42 Cartoon on Trump swallowing the Republican Party
00:44:28 Cartoon on the Justice Department pulling down the justice statue
00:45:22 Cartoon on Trump's meeting with Putin and their conversation
00:46:03 Cartoon on on Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic
00:47:02 Cartoon on Mitch McConnell getting burned by Trump's dragon
00:47:37 Cartoon on Trump barricaded in the Oval Office
00:48:23 Cartoon on Trump's failed attempts to overthrow democracy
00:50:13 Conclusion and thanks to the cartoonists

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