In The Name of Zion 9: The Jew World Order

1 year ago

This is Part 9 of 9 of the series, "In the Name of Zion." This is an important one in the series to watch!

They believe that their Messiah will arrive after Christianity is destroyed. Their end of days prophecy says that there will be One Religion and that will be Judaism.

Do people really see that Israel and the Christian Values of most in the United States do NOT match and they want to ACT like they are our friends only to plot to destroy us?

The Jews practically worship Donald Trump for what he did in 2017. Trump recognized Jerusalem as their spiritual capital -- meaning the spiritual capital of the world.

Christians have been so damn dumbed down, they don't even see what the f*ck is going on. They think Trump is going to Make America Great Again -- MAGA. MAGA is satanic.

Benjamin Netanyahu said if Jesus were alive today he would crucify him. Most do not have a clue of the Hatered he has for Christians.

Is Trump really for America? NO. It is one huge Movie and he LOVES being the star of David.

Trump is helping to rebuild the 3rd Jewish Temple.

You have the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bush's, Trump, the freaking Pope all in on this NWO Agenda.

This is the place where they will "unite" the whole world. BULLSHIT.

They believe the Gentiles will become the Slaves of the world.

My belief is that God is within us right now, all the time and I believe in that Jesus was a Master - his words resonate with my soul.

That's all I have to say, watch the video and develop your own beliefs.

In The Name of Zion 1: The Rothschild Declaration

In the Name of Zion 2: The Wrong Enemy

In the Name of Zion 3: The Six Million

In The Name of Zion 4: The Danger of Democracy

In The Name of Zion 5: The Way of Deception

In The Name of Zion 6: The War of Terror

In The Name of Zion 7: The Highest Art of Warfare

In The Name of Zion 8: The Great Replacement

In The Name of Zion 9: The Jew World Order

Original Video Source: InTheNameOfZion – JeffK --

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