9 months ago


The clue is very simple: to run for President in the USA you need a campaign worthy $1 bln dollars, to run for Senate between $1 M and $30 M, to run for US Congress House (that's cheaper) between $100,000 and $500,000/$1M.
We cannot have FBI and DHS or CIA personnel in the hands of the donors, BlackRock would buy everybody, in California the worst District Attorney, DA George Gascon, is elected yeah he is not "unelected" only... it's George Soros who paid for his campaign and he frees criminals instead of arresting them and even closed the Anti Gang Unit of Los Angeles. It is good that the people in the so called "Deep State" State Officers and Federal Officers owe nothing to any banker or hedge fund manager. It's better like this.
Look at Nikki Haley: she's a good girl, but she's a Neocon because... her donors want her like this. This or nothing. In this respect I prefer the Unions, $1 each but...

AT THE END OF THE VIDEO There Is A Prayer For The Blessing Of This US Presidential Election. Pray With Me, Say Amen and Like The Video.

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