Erin Olszewski Nurse Whistleblower on Pandemic Corruption

1 year ago

Health professionals across the world have been some of the most targeted victims of the censorship industrial complex. Those who obey receive lucrative financial reward. Those who disobey can and do lose everything. In the past almost-four years highly qualified medical professionals have experienced arrest and psychiatric ward admission, loss of professional license, employment dismissal and cancellation of business contracts.

We are slowly learning who and what is behind this, from the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA):
to the Cyber Threat Intelligence League:

Erin Olszewski spoke out early on, after working in a Covid ICU at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York which she describes as "the epicentre of the epicentre" of the pandemic in 2020. She describes what happened there as medical murder by professionals being paid hush money. She contributed to a heavily censored book, "What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back to Save Their Patients".


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